Saturday 28 December 2019

Deck Lord Hall with Boughs of Holly

Merry Christmas to you all!


  1. Merry Christmas my fellow bbc watchers - let’s be honest, it’s not been a bad year for us, they’ll fight back but let’s just enjoy the disarray and infighting whilst it lasts. Even her Harry Potterness is not safe!

  2. Thank you ITBBCB? All commenters and readers should thank Craig and Sue for their untiring work on putting together this blog. It must demand from them a mountain of work, time and effort.

    December has been monumental. There are exactly 100 posts during the month. It's refreshing to see the BBC squirming under the pressure of public opinion, but I have no doubt that they will be taking stock before relaunching an adapted narrative designed to welcome us all to their own world of PC ideology.

    The role that ITBBCB? has in documenting the BBC's track record shouldn't be underestimated. It has become even more important since the General Election: Beware the wounded warrior. Expect the BBC to lash out at their enemy (that's most of us) with renewed vigour.

    1. The wounded warriors are regrouping, rethinking and reviving. Boris will be no. 1 target again. But they will be desperately looking for something to drive a wedge into the Conservatives. If they can find a northern Conservative MP to voice criticism of the Johnson government they will ne on our screens 24/7, much like Poor Wee Rory was a while back. There will be charges of racism, of Islamophobia, of human rights violations, of being Trump's poodle, of failing the on and so on.

  3. Holly being of the prickly kind, I can only agree with the premise of the thread.

    Not about the BBC but I saw a funny thing the other day on the Parliament Channel - certain politicians being decked in glory by The Political Studies Association (I hope I've remembered that right.)

    The joint winners of the Politician of Courage annual award were Luciana Berger - and...wait for it! - Anna Soubry.

    She was there, looking and sounding the most like Mrs Thatcher I've ever seen or heard: composed, sober, deep- and artificially soft-voiced. She must have had lessons from Mrs T's voice coach and some PR agents.

    The other amusement was seeing the Politician of the Year named as David Gauke and him taking it so seriously, waving the trophy from the podium, making a speech, spouting whatever wonderfulness he perceives in himself - I'm afraid I cut it off pronto as I had no real desire to know.

    1. Pretty much all of those November 2019 awards are given to turncoats, propagandists, or the dishonest who have used their positions to deny the people what they voted for in the Referendum in 2016. They are those who think they know better than the British people. For all of them, the General Election has shown them to be out of step with the majority of people who have given them all a raspberry (esp Soubry 4668 votes / 73052 electorate, Berger as LibDem 17600/77573 and Gauke 15919/80449)

      The people spoke and they didn't want these people representing them anymore as they weren't doing what they were elected to do.

  4. Merry Christmas one and all. And thanks to Craig and Sue for keeping this lively and important blog going...and going so well. May the Good Ship ITBBCB sail merrily through the shark-infested waters of 2020.

  5. Merry Christmas Sue and Craig and all the contributors to this site. It makes for an enjoyable and entertaining read as well as great record for BBC bias.

    Have a happy and peaceful 2020.

  6. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to site owners/editors, contributors, readers and, of course, those without whom it would not be possible, but could maybe do more to render it less necessary. In half the words of BBC's latest icon of peace and goodwill, I am... 'off' :) A small set of sherries are in view.

  7. I know this is the season of good will to all, but I couldn't help linking to Paul Joseph Watson's post election analysis - it will at least make you feel merry:

  8. As not reported on the BBC, George Soros actively undermining the system of law and order in the USA. Extremely concerning I would say.

    (H/T to G on the other channel)

    Maybe anarchy is their last card to play?

  9. One of Craig's recent bias "spots" keeps running through my mind: Kirsty Wark rhetorically asking whether we still have "shared moments" that bring the nation together and offering "Stormzy" as one. I think Craig called it a "very BBC" comment.

    It speaks to the huge, huge gulf between ordinary people and the BBC, doesn't it? The BBC have manufactured a synthetic Stormzy with all the homophobia, misogyny, gang-posturing and violent threats surgically removed. Very unconvincing and not fooling anyone who doesn't work for the BBC or read the Guardian. In return Stormzy has rewarded them with Hate Boris quotes that they can deploy as they wish (has to be said he didn't used to be so interested in national politics).

    Wark's mention of Stormzy as national treasure came even after the convincing victory secured by Boris! They really can't help themselves! They are completely tone deaf as to what the public are telling them.

    Lord Hall then goes on to confirm it with the "Complaints from Both Sides" BS.

  10. In 2020 we need more wit and humour as shown by Norman Lamont in the Lords, and ordinary people everywhere, and less of the mirthless Marxism, please:

  11. I was pondering the question as to why 'we' think the BBC is biased in a particular way, are we right and why?

    Well for a start there are all those 'comedy' shows that are more opinion pieces, they all go one way, then all those dramas that just happen to be 'topical' but hardly 'typical' - the brave lesbian Somali versus the non-existent Kensington Klu Klux Klan.

    But what about the news proper? Surely Alvar Lidell didn't make his solemn impartial announcements then hand over to the Europe Editor to tell us how unreasonable the government was being? When did the change happen? Clearly one of the main biases of the BBC is in its choice of story but it is these 'editors' that now dominate the news and who add the 'colour'.

    1. I'm sure you're right about that. I think it was around 2007 that the BBC created roles like North America Editor, Europe Editor, Middle East Editor, and so on. We've had some very 'colourful' examples over the years.

    2. In case you missed it -

      There are numerous bias techniques used by the BBC. But indeed, "views as news" is a key one, especially as given by their various "editors" who are not billed as "giving their opinion", but "giving their analysis". I could find opinions equally as valid as those of BBC Editors if I went down the pub and asked people for their views. BBC Editors either end up taking sides or mouthing platitudes. There really aren't objective answers to these issues - they are about your values, your priorities, your commitment and your preparedness to compromise.

  12. I see from Biased BBC that the PC Crowd have been spreading the lurv on Twitter.

    Firstly Nish Kumar disses the Christian festival as one based on unbridled insobriety and angry argument. As people have observed - unlikely he'll take a satirical sledgehammer to have a go at Eid, or even Diwali. But Christians are fair game.

    Meanwhile David Baddiel launches a vicious attack on Rees-Mogg who simply gave expression on Twitter to his Christian belief at the start of the Holy Day. Again would this advocate of religious tolerance have launched an attack on a Hindu, Buddhist or Muslim in such a manner? Seems doubtful. James O'Brien too launched an attack...linking the Massacre of the Innocents to Grenfell and JRM's ill advised commentary on fleeing a fire. Would O'Brien have linked the massacre of Mo'sPOWs to anything political? I'm guessing not.

    All this while the BBC is shilling for Islamic extremists in its coverage of Bethlehem celebrations.

    None of them intend to change their ways do they?

    1. I saw these nasty comments. If you add Stormzy, it's clear that the BBC is surrounding itself with some unpleasant characters.

    2. There is another form of bias which doesn't appear in the festive fifty bias by selective type casting. Stormzy is a case in point. With a few lines of apology (probably written by his patrons) he is forgiven his past homophobic and generally hate-filled lyrics and remarks. He is no longer typecast.

      However, Tommy Robinson will always so far as the BBC is concerned be 'founder of the EDL - nothing more. In his case leopards can never change their spots - but in Stormzy's case of course they can.

    3. Absolutely, Arthur. There is a strange Old Testament style division between those whom they condemn and those they forgive. Ricky Tomlinson, ex NF and self-confessedly thuggish, gets forgiven. Tommy Robinson is competely unpersonned.

      Before Stormzy, there was Goldie...another rapper one who was an ex mugger - used to rip handbags off old ladies. The BBC have form in this area.

      As you say, the Stormzy "apology" was nothing of the kind - just a scripted exercise in damage limitation. There's no evidence he's changed his views. Has he really become friends with any male homosexuals? Has he expressed any support for feminism? His lyrics still carry the threat of violence.

  13. The BBC love a love letter - especially when the love letter is from one of the EU's political elite published in the Guardian:

    As predicted the Remainiacs have already started the Rejoin campaign even before we've left:

    "Labour peer and ex-Transport Secretary Andrew Adonis tweeted simply about the UK's return: "Just a matter of time"."

    I see the BBC favour the word "return" over "rejoin" return home, return to port, return to the correct path...hmmm...yes, I can see why they have opted for that.

    Maybe us Leavers should campaign for "reapply"...that sounds nicely complicated.


      Nice one Jo (Sarcasm)

      Looking forward to another day in court??

    2. Ah yes, Remainiacs seem to be maniacal in many aspects of life not just in relation to their beloved EU.

  14. Call me cynical but I don't think Rebecca Thomas is going to go very far in the world of BBC Arts and Entertainment if Will Gompertz has anything to do with it.

    That's not a very woke list by Will's standards.


    What a big news story...

    1. Huw, my God! Wow! Have you seen yourself? You don't look a day over 58!! :)

      Of course physical exercise is important to mental well being..."mens sana in corpore sano" and all that...sounds like the BBC are finally catching up with the English public school system! lol

      But there's another side to these sorts of stories. How many people who take up hard physical exercise and sport do themselves serious injury e.g. disabling spinal, knee and foot injuries, plus wearing out their hip bones? There isn't an easy way back from such injuries as I know from friends and acquaintances. Our bodies aren't designed for hard physical exercise...they are designed for walking and the occasional bit of running (either away from predators or after prey!).

      The reality about boxing up and down the country is that it is a sport built on steroids and high calorie food supplements- not what I would call a healthy lifestyle. A lot of boxers get involved in cocaine as well, in order to fuel their over-demanding exercise regimes. I'm not singling out boxing! Ballet is also notorious for drug use!!

      Not gaining weight is obviously, for 99% of people, an issue of willpower. And yes, most of us don't have it in sufficient quantities.

    2. Let's guess where this gymn is. London? This is an effort to become the perfect specimen of lib/left being.

  16. Be warned. The Democrats in the USA are quite prepared to act unconstitutionally to bring down Trump...

    Don't expect the opponents of democracy in the UK to be any less ruthless in pursuit of Boris Johnson.

    We haven't seen the last of Gina Miller, Dominic Grieve, Anna Soubry, Tony Blair, Alistair Campbell or what David Starkey calls the "treasonous" gang - those guilty of treason against people, party and parliament.

  17. Thanks for the warning BBC...Greta is editing Today on Monday so I shall make a note: best not switch the radio on until at least one minute past nine (just in case they crash the pips).

    You've stolen my dreams and my dotage Greta! With your death cult ideology, your virtue signalling and your call to anarchy!! You should be ashamed!!!

    H/T StewGreen

    PS She looks drugged up to the eyeballs. Sad. She's being manipulated and controlled for sure.

    1. Only at the BBC would you see the headline ‘Global climate strike activist Greta Thunberg’

      All the favourite BBC words in one sentence.

    2. Shame that a Thun is a kind of wall! :)

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Not sure if anyone has commented on how the BBC completely ruined The Christmas Carol with a PC laden, f-word, Peaky Blinders style, grim as Eastenders, totally joyless version.

    Dickens will be turning in his grave.

    1. Would that be the same Dickens who called for the hanging of Jamaican prisoners who complained about their treatment? I think we should be told. :)

      Seems to me that The Christmas Carol has plenty of emotional power without much help from the BBC.

  20. From Our Own Correspondent lists itself as follows in the Radio 4 Schedule:

    'The Meaning of Home
    Correspondents reflect on what 'home' means to refuges, migrants, nomads and others'

    Others? That takes care of it!


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