Monday 29 May 2017

The voice of the public?

The Tories are heading for electoral disaster if the "cross-party panel of voters" on this morning's live Victoria Derbyshire debate is truly reflective of the country as a whole. 

Whether electoral disaster faces the Tories or not, it has to be said that this audience doesn't appear to be 'truly reflective of the country as a whole', especially given this tweet sent out by the programme (h/t Guest Who):

YouGov polling from last June and this March has suggested that support for "a vote on the terms of #Brexit" is very much a minority interest, dropping from 31% last June to 27% in late March. 

How come this BBC panel of voters is so out of step with that then? Doesn't it suggest something rotten in the state of BBC audience selection?


  1. At what stage do we say that the BBC is attempting to influence the outcome of the General Election?

    1. Oh, they start plotting for the next GE on the day after a Conservative government is elected ...

    2. Given its brazen attempts to influence the outcome of the American election, it would be a bit odd if they didn't try and influence the outcome of our election! :)

    3. Given its record of success, maybe worth letting them keep digging?

      There is a noble history.

      The fiasco author in question of course being seen by the BBC as perfect material for their flagship evening news magazine.

  2. The BBC is a £5 billion organisation. If it [i] wanted [/i] to it could easily produce audiences that approximately reflected real opinion.

    It does want to. It wants to construct a fake narrative.


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