Thursday 28 September 2017

Open Thread

A New Kind of Open Thread:


  1. This is supposed to be an Open Thread like a Labour conference?

    OK "Craig and Sue, We love you, Everything you say is absolutely true."

    How do you like it so far?

  2. I've heard far too much BBC News today...really feel like the BBC are twisting my melon with that "threshold of power", "treshold of government", meme, repeated banging of the drum...might as well add in Dalek tones "resistance is useless", "ex-term-in-ate! ex-term-in-ate all Tories".

    The BBC are playing a dangerous game - any idea that Labour will leave them alone in the coming revolution is delusional. There will be big changes. Maoists and Marxists don't respect BBC "independence". Their persecution of Laura Kuennesberg shows that. Even Mark Easton was sounding a little less than enthusiastic on the 10 O'clock News...he's probably missing the Age of Mandelson.

  3. Do you remember how the BBC used to tut-tut about the cult of personality around Farage in UKIP? Strangely though, they see absolutely nothing wrong in the cult of personality around Corbyn. It's simply a display of mass affection as opposed to mass delusion.

  4. Instead of glorifying the cult of Corbyn, the BBC should be holding him and John Mcdonnell to account, finding out from them how they propose to carry out these policy initiatives.

    The 'taking back' PFI schemes is a good place to start:

    Where is the money coming from? or, are the PFI contractors are not to be paid off fully and the schemes nationalised?

    The BBC seem to have been drawn into the drummed up euphoria surrounding Corbyn. They seem to have lost all their critical faculties - allowing reality to be suspended.

  5. The Nick Robinson Appreciation Lecture (let's be's never about anyone but Nick really is it?)...

    Funnily enough he deploys (without any understanding of the irony) all the usual BBC Fake News tricks to get his message across.

    1. FALSE COMPARISON He starts with a false comparison between BBC News as highly factual and serious minded, compared with the OMG/LOL social media news outlets. This omits the fact that a lot of social media outlets offer much more detailed analysis than you'll ever find on the BBC.

    2. FALSE ASSOCIATION He falsely associates the populist critics of MSM with dumbed down media. Of course if you go to places like Breitbart, Newswatch, Rebel Media, Biased BBC, Conservative Women, Infowars, Prison actually find a lot of in depth well reasoned news analysis - not all the time, granted but the idea it is dumbed down comp

    3. DENIAL OF INVOLVEMENT Just as the BBC will always deny it has an inhouse news agenda and pursues targets listed for destruction, so he denies any involvement in the creation of "the increased polarisation of our society and our national debate". Nothing to do with 24/7 grievance machine that is the BBC? - the organisation that latches on to any death resulting from police restraint or response as a death that should not have happened, that blames any perceived inequality of outcome as being the result of racism or sexism or some other hate ideology, and which has deliberately stirred up a reaction against the democratic EU Referendum vote (even down to fabricating a non-existent hate crime death in Harlow).

    4. FAKE DEBATE Do we really believe Nick Robinson truly wishes to usher in open debate on matters such as capital punishment (something I don't support, BTW, and which I doubt would ever be supported in a UK referendum)or abortion or the poor outcomes of single parenting.

    Only a simpleton would believe Robinson's claim that the BBC is

    "...staffed by people who - regardless of their personal background or private views - are committed to getting as close to the truth as they can, and to offering their audience a free, open and broad debate about the issues confronting the country. "

    BS. If that were true, why on Earth are there prejudices so on display in interviews and in their treatment of issues on their Twitter accounts. What percentage of BBC staff tweets on Brexit are pro-Leave in any manner or form? I'd say less than 2% and yet 52% of voters chose Leave. Did the BBC staff accept that verdict with good grace?

    5. MIND BENDING BADGING The article carries a prominent "Fake News" badge in in the accompanying photo, although if you took the words of the article at face value you might be fooled into thinking it was saying the MSM needs to do better and be more open...But of course that's not what is's really about softening you up mentally so when Facebook, Google and YouTube censor, you will approve of that censorship.

  6. By promoting the Labour Party conference so energetically throughout the early part of the week, the BBC's output will fall under heavy scrutiny when it is the Conservatives' turn. Will it be balanced and free from bias? We'll see!

    1. No more soft ball interviews, no more cosy chats, no more helpful photo-opportunities. And were the Conservative conference by some miracle to turn into worship of May with extensive chanting of her name a la Corbyn...what would be the BBC Talking Point? Well, of course that the Tories were "flirting with fascism". Cue concerned facial expressions from Kirsty, Emily, Huw and Evan.

    2. Having watched some of the Labour Party conference coverage, I have been left with the feeling that Jeremy Corbyn is but a one trick pony. He waved to his fans at Glastonbury, waved again to his supporters in Brighton - what's next? Oh, his speeches - just repetition - he wouldn't last long in Just a Minute.

    3. I don't think he really believes his own propaganda. It was OK when he was offering "The many not the few" as a critique of power - but now he's on the "threshold of government (Copyright BBC)he doesn't look very convinced himself when he utters the words as the climax of his speech.

    4. The realisation that he might be called on to deliver on his promises is probably weighing heavy with Jeremy Corbyn. Taking back the PFI schemes, writing off student debt, nationalising the railways and utility companies? He must be scared stiff. No wonder he doesn't look altogether convincing.

  7. Catalonia: Am I the only one to think the BBC and MSM have been underplaying this crisis for reasons of ideology. Yes, it has featured in the news more recently but the implications have not been brought out...for a very good reason in my opinion, namely that this is an almighty crisis for the EU as well as Spain.

    If the Catalan Nationalists declare independence, a large power in the EU will effectively be in a civil war. That's bad enough. Will there be bloodshed? Who knows? It might be a more civilised affair than the last Spanish Civil War but it is not going to be pretty and could lead to an economic meltdown in the region. The EU will be in a very difficult position, either siding with the central power in Spain and denying the democratic right of Catalans to have their own state, or they will acquiesce in Catalan independence which simply bring more fracturing and crises elsewhere e.g. Northern Italy.

    Incidentally why don't the PC BBC refer to it by its Catalan name - Catalunya?

    Anyway, my overall point is that the BBC and other pro-Remain media are desperate to present the EU as united, at peace and doing well Catalonia doesn't fit the narrative, which is why it has been downplayed.

    1. The BBC and ITN reports of the situation seem to imply this is some remote local dispute of academic interest only as if it were in South America or Asia. Not at all mentioning Spain is a major(ish) EU player and has a outstanding claim over British territory. Why no mention of the EU's response to the Catalan referendum and the Spanish position ? Surely this is a much of a threat to the EU and it's institutions than Brexit ?
      No analysis or even mention of this by the BBC though, strange....

    2. Quite, Marianne...the idea the EU doesn't have a view on this is laughable...but according to our MSM that's the case. And how would our MSM report, say Putin or Trump, destroying ballot boxes, arresting election officials and preventing a free vote by people wishing to conduct a peaceful ballot? But I saw on Sky tonight how very keen they were to present the Spanish government's viewpoint, with nothing from the Catalan government!

  8. UKIP: the political-media elite now have UKIP where they want it: low in the polls, led by a former Lib Dem with strong establishment credentials, and with no effective populist agenda. They are quite happy to have it in this state rather than have it completely destroyed - better to serve as a safety valve for discontent, and so ensuring the wider project can succeed.

  9. BBC 1 News at 10.10. Kate Silverton informs us that, 'Theresa May comes under renewed pressure as Boris Johnson intervenes AGAIN over Brexit.' You had to hear the sneer as she spat the word 'AGAIN!'

    1. The media really hate the fact that Boris is a "knock me down, I get up twice as fast as last time" sort of guy. They've already knocked him over at least three times but he still gets up. I think the worst was that time when, immediately after the Brexit vote, they persecuted him by camping outside his private home and encourage class war anarchists to attack his home. Was he intimidated? No. Strong guy.

  10. Sky News press preview (not that you could expect better quality from the BBC press preview) - Kate Maltby informs us the Basque region is part of Catalonia...thanks Kate for that misinformation. Most of these press previewers know v. little about the world.

  11. The list of RIBA Honorary Fellowships for 2018 makes for interesting reading. It contains two names that will be familiar to readers. Evan Davis and Sadiq Kahn.

    Davis is listed as BBC Presenter - his background is in economics
    Sadiq Kahn is listed as City of London Mayor - his background is in human rights law.

    My guess is that the BBC Design Awards is soon to make a come-back with Evan Davis presenting and Sadiq Kahn on the judging panel.

    1. Actually about the only time I have felt that Evan was telling me things that (a) might be true and (b) I didn't already known was when he did a series on cities and their economic impact so maybe that's why RIBA like him. Sadiq has never told me something true that I didn't already know and that's including the fact his dad was a bus driver.

    2. This might be cunning plan by the BBC Labour Party to become an important player in the world of architecture and the Stirling Prize.

      As we know, the BBC already have their sticky beaks in other similar annual events such as the RHS Chelsea Show, the RA Summer Exhibition and of course the Proms.

      We might see more of a 'community' approach to architecture, whereby, just so long as the communi'y came together, the poorest of architectural design will be applauded. DIY SOS schemes might well feature strongly. I like Nick Knowles and the work he does is clearly of enormous benefit to the recipients of his endeavours - but this must not be confused with good architectural design. There is a fine history of community based self-build programmes such as those pioneered by Walter Segal.

      As with the RA Summer Exhibition, a few schemes will be followed during the run-up to judging day, and then, lo and behold, they are accepted by the 'independent' judging panel. Judges and competition entrants will become on-screen pals - just like Strictly Come Dancing, where behind the scenes negotiations take place - and the winner is?

      In the end, there won't be any important event such as these above, that are not infiltrated by the BBC, and Labour Party agendas.

  12. I Spy a Narrative...

    The BBC have got a problem with the Catalonia thing...

    Normally BBC looks on Barcelona and its environs as a kind of BBC projection on to the landscape: modern, gay-friendly, green, globalist and yet lefty... The passion of Catalan nationalism doesn't sit well with that and neither does Spain's pro-EU central government going in to smash up ballot boxes look good.

    I think there is a damage limitation exercise going on: (1) Don't mention the EU. This has nothing to do with the EU. [Really? Well on the back of what they said about Scotland, surely the EU would require an independent Catalonia to seek readmission to the EU and that would not be automatic.] (2) Suggest it's all very complicated...the precise opposite of what they did during the Scottish referendum. (3) Don't criticise the anti-democratic actions of the Spanish central government. (4) Minimise the threat of civil war (in a country that has had a number in its history. (5) Keep your fingers crossed.

    Will be fascinating to see how the BBC Narrative evolves. A tricky one for them. The last thing they want is images of chaos and meltdown in the EU.

    1. Surely there is a chance to blame this on Brexit nationalist destabilisation? OK maybe on Cameron then for allowing the Scots to have their vote; thus encouraging independence poll ambitions to grow in Catalunya.

    2. Yes, that's something that we don't hear - support from other EU citizens for the Leave decision. We are led to believe that all the EU population are all solidly behind the EU negotiators. I doubt that they are.

    3. I wish the EU negotiators luck with their divorce settlement and continuing contributions from Catalonia - should they achieve their goal of independence from Spain and therefore the EU.

  13. 9pm BBC News Channel: latest terrorist attack in Marseille -
    Martine Croxall avoids using the word 'terrorist', referring instead to 'a suspected Militant islamist attack.' Beeb reporter tells us that '"the police are calling it a terrorist attack, but questions remain about the individual's motives." Do they really if, as reported, the murderer was shouting, 'Allahu akbar?' Of course, it may turn out to be a Sunni v. Shiite attack, but the BBC doesn't bother to set the record straight on those, does it?

    1. According to the website it's just a "knife attack"...with two women being "stabbed to death" although in the body of the story we learn one had her throat slit. According to Hugh Scofield there are plenty of questions about the man and his motivation. Really? He was a follower of Islam carrying out what he thought was a Jihad attack against unbelievers, which would secure his entry into paradise. What more does Hugh need to know?


      Seems like the BBC just can't help themselves. Even though their favourite boy Trudeau described the Edmonton incident as a terrorist attack in the BBC headline "terror" has to appear with diluting quotation marks. So what does the BBC it could possibly be if not a terrorist attack?

    3. Then what about the murder of a 14 year old boy outside a Mosque in Birmingham. Doesn't even make the home page! Could it possibly be because this appears to be an "M on M" attack? BBC Narrative Control remains as strong as ever.

  14. More BBC Fake News:

    On the BBC Website they claim the terror attack at Marseilles was the first since April 2017:

    I vaguely recalled this was not the case. I checked Wikipedia:

    There have actually been THREE serious terrorist attacks since April 2017, not including the Marseilles attack.

  15. From BBBC -

    If you are a world-class broadcaster, this is the output expected from you.

  16. I was wondering how the BBC Narrative would evolve re the tricky subject of Catalonia...a part of the world that the BBC looks fondly on like a favourite child but which seems to have been infected with the virus of nationalism...

    Well Katya Adler gives us a clue:

    "Catalans want change, but that does not amount to a common call for independence."

    Night light footwork there Katya!

    Also Katya tells us this is an example of "populism" (bad) not "nationalism" (even badder!).

    1. I haven't seen any reference to the far-right yet in the narrative about Catalonia.

    2. Yes MB, I laughed when I heard on R4 News last night that the Catalonya referendum is another example of "populism". The convolutions the Beeb goes through to maintain its narrative become ever more extreme.

      BTW I believe that the Beeb downplays the EUs role in this crisis, to avoid the obvious conclusion that, by creating a supranational state, the EU therefore undermines the stability of the existing sovereign nations. We have seen it in the UK with the Scottish referendum and now we see it again in Spain.

  17. True to form, BBC News have managed to keep coverage of the Conservative Party conference well down the list of headlines - unlike the Labour one last week that was maintained as the lead throughout. Fair enough, the shootings in Las Vegas and the Monarch administration are big stories, but even so, the BBC have played a clever game. Any mention of the Conservatives has been solely about 'splits' in the cabinet, May's leadership and Brexit - all very negative coverage.

    We saw last week that the Labour Party are also split from top to bottom over Brexit, but this was merely brushed under the carpet by avoiding any debate.

    With Boris's speech today and TM's tomorrow, we can guess that the BBC editors are rubbing their hands with glee - 'mission accomplished', only negative coverage broadcast. We all predicted this after last week's Labour love-in, but now we see the bare-faced bias.

    1. It has been interesting to see the trailered Wednesday Leaders' speeches for firstly, last week, Corbyn's in which he was shown smiling against the red message-bearing background - the red colour indistinguishable from BBC red, and secondly for Theresa May's which carried no image other than the BBC news globe, again with BBC red, and a sentence or two of text.

      No doubt a complaint about this bias would be met with ' equal time and prominence' but of course we all know it wasn't equal.

    2. And yesterday, after Hammond's speech which was poorly reported, appears a photo of him unusually set against a blue background, but taken from a long way away so that he appears remote, unsupported, featureless, even lonely - as if he's whistling in the wind.

      Whoever the BBC News website picture editors are, they must be well on-message - unable to include photos sympathetic to the Conservatives that do not accord with the BBC narrative.

  18. Here's another blatantly biased piece from our Laura - no doubt still threatened that if she was to say something positive about the Conservatives she had better watch her back.

    And another carefully chosen photo of Mrs May with her entourage looking all alone - good work photo editors, no doubt.

    It is just glaringly obvious that after last week's cosy chatty style of coverage of the Labour Party conference, during which nothing negative was said about Labour speakers or their policies, the gloves are now off, as an attack on Mrs May and her Government is geared up.

  19. Meanwhile, news from abroad...or should that be no news from abroad. Looking at Jihad Watch I see IS have claimed the Las Vegas attack as their own. Not reported anywhere I have seen on BBC. They claim he is a convert to Islam. No idea whether this is true or not but as JW point out, IS do NOT have (contrary to the impression given by the MSM)a record of claiming attacks with which they have no association.

    I think we are grown up enough to be told if credible IS sources are claiming the attack..we can then see if the claim holds up or not.

    1. From the perfectly respectable Time magazine:

      "The Islamic State claimed that one of its supporters carried out the lethal mass shooting in Las Vegas on Monday but offered no evidence of its involvement, prompting questions of credibility for the jihadi group as it suffers a series of catastrophic losses on the battlefields of Iraq and Syria.

      The claim came in a pair of messages issued by ISIS’ official propaganda wing, Amaq, which identified the attacker as one of its “soldiers.” In a rare follow-up message, the agency claimed that the shooter had converted to Islam months before the shooting, which killed at least 58 people and injured some 500 others, making it the deadliest in recent U.S. history."

    2. The BBC have an even more sinister take on this. On the BBC website under the headline, “Las Vegas shootings: Is the gunman a terrorist”, they are suggesting had the gunman been a muslin he would instantly be called a terrorist - presumably by all of us inconvenient reactionaries who have not yet got the nothing to do with Islam message.

    3. Having looked into this some more, I find that (typical BBC) they did smuggle in a one sentence dismissal of the possible link in a side story on their website, a bit of deniability on their part, so that can deny any censorship. I would expect at least one para in the main story. I've seen now that lots of newspapers and Reuters have been carried detailed reports on the claim - but not the BBC.


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