Saturday 14 December 2019

Friendship groups

StewGreen has pointed out a Guardian article about BBC election bias that might well tempt BBC types into their 'complaints from both sides' mantra, but oughtn't to. 

The vicious far-left/EU-fanatic Twitter bubble that terrified the BBC during the election, spraying nonsense over them, apparently made such BBC types feel deeply uncomfortable in their everyday lives. 

Fran Unsworth, the BBC's director of news and current affairs, has been defending herself to the Guardian

The line (highlighted by Stew) from the Guardian inadvertantly says a lot:
BBC journalists based in London, an area with strong Labour support, reported finding it harder now that their friendship groups were increasingly critical of the corporation’s output.
Of course BBC types have been in "friendship groups" with such people. (I'm not). 

Maybe they should 'unfriend' them. Many of them will have voted for Jeremy Corbyn after all, and no decent, informed person who hates antisemitism and left-wing extremism should have even considered doing so.


  1. Stew, as Craig has already said - a great spot.

    It’s so revealing on so many levels. It’s also why the BBC will continue regardless with their left liberal narrative which supports progressive socialism.

  2. Ha Craig , your original brackets made sense
    \\ That Guardian quote (inadvertantly) reveals so much.//

    but I'd write this
    \\ The line Stew highlighted, inadvertantly says a lot //

    1. Thanks Stew. I've corrected it now. (I rushed the post before going out tonight).

  3. If a lefty says that the BBC is pro Tory
    ask them which were the 5 programmes they added to their boycott list

    I used to listen to 80% of progs
    then a they got colonised by agenda pushing, I had to boycott them, maybe I just about tolerate 10% of national progs.

    It used to be that I didn't get time to listen to all the BBC podcasts I liked.
    Now it takes me ages to scan through before I find something I will spend time on.. then half the time it turns out to be a waste anyway.
    The British Broadcasting Company
    makes progs not for the British but for the Woke-clique.

  4. MarkHodgson points out that the Guardian article is
    U"admission that the jounalists are lefties.
    Had they been right of centre they’d have got fed up of being criticised years ago.

    The left is so used to being free of any criticism from the TV media and apart from the news sectors, they still are.
    A lot of opinions were aired before this election by TV stars"

    1. typo
      "Unconscious admission that the jounalists are lefties.
      Had they been right of centre they’d have got fed up of being criticised years ago."


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