Tuesday 10 December 2019

Game changers ?

Talking of interfering in ‘another country’s’ election, (as I was a moment ago) you might have noticed in our sidebar a little article by David Collier.  

It has been picked up by some of the press. Some but not others.

No. The BBC is still obsessing about the Alan Kurdi  “4-year old Jack” story.
"Jack Williment-Barr. The 4-year-old with suspected pneumonia forced to lie on a pile of coats on the floor of a Leeds hospital."
Will it be a game-changer? I suspect the BBC hopes so, now that Boris has riled them with veiled threats to do something or other to the Beeb if he gets half a chance. 

The way that stunt was set up and ‘run with’ won’t really help the reputation of journalists in the final reckoning. I hope. 

I haven’t been able to find the full facts surrounding this incident. And the other one, baby Lily. For instance, why was she “only covered with her mother’s cardigan?” Surely-to-God the parent had a brought a shawl or a baby-blanket with them? There are many unanswered questions. Banal but pertinent questions.


  1. "...forced to lie..." I would call that "Fake News". From all we know, the parent chose to put the 4 year old on the floor. There may have been a good reason but so far no one has explained what the reason was beyond the parent asserting her child "needed to lie down". In my experience most 4 year olds will fall alseep against you if they need to sleep.

    That said, I think we can accept the hospital did fall short in the care it delivered, by its own admission.

  2. Unless evidence is produced that force was used to get said child on the floor, that is, indeed, a flat out lie.

    One I have pointed out to the BBC editors who have posted this piece for Labour activists to use.

    So far, no reply.

    Oh, that's right; they don't if nailed.

  3. Questions : w
    #1 what is on the bed/trolley in the corner of of
    that private room in that photo ?
    #2 How long was the kid on a drip before a bed was found ?

  4. Whatever the circumstances of the photograph the fact remains that it was a stunt. I’m not sure that anyone taken off guard in that way would have behaved in a way that would have satisfied the anti-Boris Johnson section of the media. The absurdity of the complaint isn’t actually about anything that the Conservatives have said about the NHS, but that he didn’t virtue signal in the proscribed manner.

  5. Questions not quite going away - seems the photo is credited to a professional photographer in Leeds...I think that certainly needs explaining.



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