Wednesday, 11 December 2019

Unfolding in the past few minutes on Twitter....

Guido Fawkes 26m: EXCLUSIVE Tory Activist Attacked with Acid in Barnet.
Dan Hodges 12m: Given what happened yesterday, people need to be careful of reports coming from Barnet until all the facts are established.
Dan Hodges 8m: Tory sources saying not yet clear what substance was involved in Barnet incident, but it wasn't acid.
Dan Hodges 1m: Appears the substance involved was perfume.
Update: And then came this:
Dan Hodges 9m: Appears the substance involved was perfume.
Isaac 4m: You got your info from this Shit blog, didnt you? (linking to Guido Fawkes).
Dan Hodges 3m: My info on what?
Isaac 2m: The so called Acid Attack.
Dan Hodges 1m: I didn't say there had been an acid attack. I said there hadn't been an acid attack. Could you please go back to the WhatsApp group and get your lines straight please.
(You may not be surprised to learn that Isaac is a supporter of Jeremy Corbyn).

Another update: And then came this:
All of which, I think, calls for a cry of 'Good grief!'.