Sunday 27 April 2014

Was 'BH' B.S.?

Were I being curmudgeonly I would complain that Broadcasting House on Radio 4 this morning engaged in yet more banker-banking (complete with cash register ka-chings as details of pay amounts were read out) and featured a satirical piece mocking UKIP's famous immigration poster. Other curmudgeons might take these as signs of left-wing bias.

I'd also moan, where I in that kind of mood, about 'typical BBC navel-gazing' given that there was a self-congratulatory report about a previous BH report as well as a plug for another Radio 4 show (Just a Minute). 

I'd also grumble that Paddy O'Connell twice called the canonisation of the two popes in Rome their "beatification" (er, no), and note that a Twitterista has tweeted approvingly:
Ian ‏@ian262  2h I like the way @paddy_o_c is treating the #Pope thing with the respect it deserves* #BH (*Not much)
Plus, I'd disapprovingly point out that Paddy said that Sergeant Wilson in Dads Army was played by "Arthur le Mesurier". 

But I'm not being curmudgeonly today so I won't do any of that. 

Besides, the banker-bashing gave voice to a defender of bankers and the following debate between Guardian leftie Tom Clark and libertarian rightie Richard D. North was a good one, with only a little side-taking by Paddy (and I bet you can guess which side).

Plus the Just a Minute thing with the whistle and Nicholas Parsons was quite fun, and we got to hear from the famous whistle-blowing Trudy Stephens, who many listeners might have assumed to be like Captain Mainwaring's wife.

Plus the paper review, with composer Patrick Hawes, DJ Tony Blackburn and Sunday Times reporter Christina Lamb gave us a decent spread of views. (I like the sound of Patrick Hawes). 

The UKIP squib is the one that's provoked the sharpest differences of opinion. Many Twitteristas found it very funny, one even calling it "genius". Over at Biased BBC, it's been described as unfunny and "laboured" (and biased). I can't say it made me howl with laughter, but I did smile twice, and it was more silly than politically-loaded. 

The "Arthur le Mesurier" thing was doubtless a mere slip of the tongue, and the "beatification" thing was, well...

Ah, and now the sun is coming out. What's not to be cheerful about?


  1. Patrick Hawes was excellent.
    The Christian nation being reduced and traduced as Rowan says( and he had no small part to play in this) was well critiqued by Patrick-as was his point about the great religion that is football, by way of a toxic substitute for that.
    Made the other guests seem pretty shallow and cliched...Tony Blackburns theology was rather sad for one as old as he.
    That`s the trouble when you still think you`re nineteen...poor old fool.
    The UKIP thing failed on every level-what kind of muppet would think THAT genius?
    Mind you-with all the flak UKIP are now getting-looks like they`re right over the liberal target and aiming straight for the heart of the evil empire of the New Left.
    Could be some fun ahead....the hysteria is laughable...and Teflon Nigel looks set fair to trounce them all.

    1. The assault on UKIP, even from the 'Telegraph' and 'Spectator', has been extraordinary to witness.
      Like you, I've seen quite a few obvious smears along the way, even from columnists I like and trust.
      It's been a bit of an eye-opener.
      Roll on May. I WILL be voting for Teflon Nigel.


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