Tuesday 26 December 2017

Some festive cheer!

Fascinating economic news in the Independent about the latest widely-reported economic forecasts from the 'respected', 'independent' Centre for Economics & Business Research (Cebr) which, every year at Christmas, produces its 'prestigious' World Economic League Table plus various economic prognostications. 

It's great news for Mr. Modi and the Indians, and good news for us too (if Cebr's predictions are correct).

Yes, Brexit’s effects on Britain’s economy will allow us to overtake France again in 2020. 

Pleasingly, there are also mea culpas in the air....

'We got it wrong on Brexit gloom, economists admit' is the headline take of the Daily Mail, and the Daily Telegraph goes with 'Project fear was wrong about Brexit, global economic ranking concludes, as UK looks set to overtake France'. 

And on we go...

'CROCKED MONSIEURS. Britain to shrug off Brexit and leapfrog France in global economic rankings' gloats The Sun.

'BRITAIN is set to thrash France’s economy after it leaves the European Union by becoming bigger and stronger by the end of the decade, experts suggest', crows the Daily Express.

Even the Daily Mirror rather sulkily reports the prediction that "the UK will “bounce back” to overtake France in 2020 because quitting the EU will have less impact than feared".

Excellent news!

The Guardian reports the great India news but, typically, keeps shtum about the good news about Brexit Britain. How very Guardian of them!

And the BBC News website? It says...well, it says nothing so far.

Hopefully Kamal Ahmed, Simon Jack, Dominic O'Connell & Co. will be in full flow about it shortly. (They're already hours behind much of the rest). I'm now holding my breath in expectation of being able to release it very soon. (Emergency doctors are already on standby). 


  1. I don't know, but the last couple of Kamal stories I saw were rather less Brexiphobic than usual...I suppose some of the BBC correspondents are seeing that old tension between the interests of the organisation you work for and your personal interest. Like jsut before a bank fails...It's not really in the interests of the younger economics reporters to make themselves look complete and utter chumps is it?

    That said, I always take the BBC advice on this..."If you are in a situation where older men* are trying to control you and asking you to do something that makes you feel uncomfortable then just walk away. It's your right to say no."

    *Juncker, Barnier, Tusk etc

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Not only has the BBC totally ignored the CEBR report - doubly surprising because one of its favourite economists, Vicky Pryce (ex-wife of Chris Huhne) is on the board - its website business pages are full this morning of its customary Brexit gloom: wages flat or falling because of Brexit (says the Resolution Foundation), and prospects for the UK in 2018 are for lower growth because of Brexit (the IMF). It boils down to that the sole focus of BBC business reporting is to find confirmation that leaving the EU is a disaster.


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