Sunday, 15 December 2019

A yw'r BBC yn rhagfarnllyd?

Here's Huw interacting (in a rather snippy, Simpsonesque fashion) with a far-left historian/journalist:
Huw Edwards: Thanks to all my BBC News colleagues for their hard work — thanks to the many millions worldwide who watched us overnight — and here’s hoping for a future in which public debate can be conducted with far more courtesy and tolerance. Diolch.
Mark Curtis: This doesn't capture it. The BBC played a (predictably) despicable role in the election in order to secure a win for the establishment candidate. It largely whitewashed his lies and public conduct, failing to report numerous of his actual policies, while demonising his opponent.
Huw Edwards: But this really does capture it, Mark. The abusive guff from left and right will no doubt continue. Thousands of BBC News staff of all backgrounds and outlooks working together to secure a result? Grow up. Nadolig Llawen.
Mark Curtis: I know you need to tell yourself and the public this, but people saw for themselves how BBC performed during the election (along with now considerable academic and other analysis). The idea that BBC reporting is generally impartial or accurate is unsutainable, in fact laughable.
Huw Edwards: Explain again, Mark. Slowly. With your ‘academic and other analysis’. How does an organisation direct thousands of its staff to work in unison to back one political cause? I know you need to tell yourself this stuff, but it’s risible.
Mark Curtis: Huw, IMO, there’s no point in arguing with anyone in an institution, since they adopt groupthink, especially one whose DG dismisses criticism as “conspiracy theories”. BBC is in denial but has been exposed. There should be an indpt enquiry to determine whether you or I are right.
Diolch = Thank you
Nadolig Llawen = Merry Christmas
Huw = Hugh
A yw'r BBC yn rhagfarnllyd? = Is the BBC biased?