Sunday, 15 December 2019

And lead me not into temptation

Talking of Broadcasting House, the paper review today featured Richard Wilson. 

The famous Labour-supporting actor told the programme, with passion: 
What always upset me during the election was that Corbyn must have known how hated he was and yet he decided to carry on. That's what I can't forgive. 
Now, having posted that tardy scoop, I really need to just leave it there and not continue this post. I mustn't let Sue down, myself down or you down by giving in to base temptations. But it's so hard. Yet I must stop myself. I so, so, so desire to rewrite the above as:
What always upset me during the election was that Corbyn must have know how hated he was and yet he decided to carry on. I couldn't BELIEEEEEEEVE it! 
...but I really, really mustn't. It would be such an obvious thing to do. So I mustn't.