Sunday, 8 December 2019

Quelle Surprise!

This comment merits a post of its own:

stewgreen8 December 2019 at 12:26  
Every time we point out the hourly lefty bias of the BBC the leftmob shout "Look the Berry Report from the Cardiff School of Journalism shows that there is no lefty bias in the BBC".
So Berry who finds no left bias in the BBC now tweets: 
"There is no antisemitism crisis in Labour. There is a small number of people who hold antisemitic viewsand Labour has robust system to deal with them." 
Strangely he's been ratioed. 46 people clicked like vs 99 who clicked reply to disagree with him. 

Cue a reprise of this from 2013:
I come with my own biases, of course - but then so does the report author tasked with promoting the report to the world - Dr Mike Berry 
He's associated with the Glasgow Media Group - a  40-year old left-wing campaign which, according to Wikipedia, "claimed that television news was biased in favour of powerful forces and actors in society and against less powerful groups such as the organised working class". He's co-authored several books with hardcore anti-Israel activist Greg Philo, head of the Glasgow Media Group, alleging pro-Israel bias on the part of the BBC. 
Someone who co-writes book after book attacking Israel and the "pro-Israel" BBC seems to come from a not dissimilar mindset to that of the leftist Media Lens website (which naturally approves of Dr Berry's work).  
And with that of Jeremy Corbyn's Labour Party.