Now to the front pages, mostly pro-Conservative stories of one kind or another, as you would probably expect. The Sunday Times, 'Exposed, the secret Labour files of shame', and that's about anti-Semitism. The Labour Party rejects almost everything in that story. And then suggesting that Boris Johnson is ten points ahead and in sight of winning the election campaign. The Sunday Express has Boris...he's is in almost every single newspaper, Boris Johnson, writing different pieces, or very similar pieces, for each newspaper. And he's pointing like Kitchener, 'Brexit is now up to you'. The Telegraph, the most pro-Conservative of all the papers, and it's a tough one to call that, 'Tories unveil strict limits on unskilled migrants'. That's a big announcement today on a three tier Australian style points system for immigration. The Observer, not a pro-Conservative paper, 'Calls grow to stop Johnson with tactical voting as the race tightens'. We'll talk a lot about tactical voting because thats's going to become more and more important as this week unfolds. And then, finally,The Mail On Sunday. 'Save us from a Friday the 13th horror'. It's pretty clear what they think that is. And again that the Simon Wiesenthal Centre, a Nazi hunting organisation in the States, warning that Britain will become a pariah state if Boris Johnson becomes prime minister. Now, those, as I say, are very, very pro-Conservative...if Corbyn becomes prime minister...Those are very, very pro-Conservative papers. If you look online it is a very different prospect. So one of the things we may talk about is the gap between the old media and the new media and whether it really matters.
That 'slip of the tongue' drew
a swift tweet from former Sky foreign editor Tim Marshall:
Ooops. Marr reads out Mail headline but says Simon Weisenthal Centre fears a Boris Johnson win when it actually says a Corbyn win. Needs a quick correction/apology Rob Burley.
In fairness to Andrew, he did quickly correct himself (though without an apology).