Sunday 8 December 2019

Sunday Morning Reading V: A BBC ECU ruling on Jo Brand

Here's something you might also have missed. The BBC's Executive Complaints Unit has finally ruled on Jo Brand's battery acid 'joke'. 

It's taken five months!

I can only imagine the hurdles the complainants had to leap over to get this far. Back and forth, then back and forth. 

Anyhow, the ECU has had its say. Finally.

Heresy, Radio 4, 11 June 2019


Reflecting on recent incidents involving the throwing of milkshakes as a form of political protest, Jo Brand said “I’m kind of thinking why bother with a milkshake when you could get some battery acid...that’s just me. I’m not going to do it, it’s purely a fantasy but I think milkshakes are pathetic. I honestly do – sorry”.  20 listeners complained that the joke was offensive and/or likely to incite violence.


In view of Ms Brand’s immediate disavowal and the context of the programme’s wider message in favour of more civility in political discourse, the ECU did not consider the joke likely to incite violence, but accepted that, against the background of a significant problem with acid attacks, it was capable of causing offence beyond what was editorially justified, and should have been edited out before transmission.
Partly upheld

Further action

The adjudication has been discussed by Radio 4’s commissioning team and with the programme’s producers.


  1. They make the Vogon civil service look efficient. They can now claim that it's just so much water under the bridge and it's all really best forgotten, isn't it. Not to worry.

    There ought to be a special Christmas programme - "Prevarication of the Year".

  2. The claim that Heresy has a wider message in favour of more civility in political discourse is of course virtue signalling bollox. It is simply the usual vehicle for peddling left-liberal propaganda and sniping at anyone to the right of Ken Clarke is all part of that. I don't recall anyone uttering a "right wing" heresy e.g. that immigration has not been good for this country, or that Clintons are not nice people or that there is a lot of climate hysteria about.


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