Sunday 9 February 2020

"BBC very dismissive of my complaint"

I've no complaints about today's The Andrew Marr Show, but someone had. And the short Twitter exchange that followed his moan suggests that plenty of people find complaining to the BBC a highly unsatisfying experience:
Lord Digby Jones: So Marr’s unbiased & even-handed is he? England win in Edinburgh & all he says re the front-page pic is: “A very very brutal encounter at Murrayfield. Enough said about all off that”. No mention of England winning at all. Today’s question: would he have said the same if England had lost? Difficult one, that!!
Veronica: He said a similar thing a few years ago. BBC very dismissive of my complaint.
Kassiopidreamin: Same with my complaint about him referring Her Majesty the Queen as "poor old queenie". They just said he was light hearted. I think he was incredibly rude.


  1. Once a Marxist, always a Marxist. He despises the Monarchy, the English and the Tories. He’s pretty transparent though, like most at the BBC.

  2. Weirdo, referring to the Queen like that.

    They couldn't have cuddly uncle John on again so soon and Keir may not be disposed to appear at the moment but there has to be Labour so what did they come up with but a candidate for deputy leader? Look who it was though. Someone I'd thought of as a newcomer who's been an MP for about five minutes. Maybe I'm mistaken. Or maybe the BBC has an agenda.


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