Sunday 8 December 2019


Mr Marr's introduction today:
Good morning. Now, look, for once I can bring you some good news. By this time next week it will all be over. We'll have a result. The journey to that result has felt at times pretty foul. The deceit, the pomposity, all those numbers too swollen to comprehend, but it matters so much. This might be your last chance to choose Britain's course for five years. In the end the verdict may come down to which of two propositions - get Brexit done or end austerity now - hits home harder. But after all the interviews, all the debates, all the speeches, there are still big questions to which we haven't had proper answers. It's almost too late to get them. It's not quite too late. 
Do Labour's really ambitious, really expensive plans add up? John McDonnell, the Shadow Chancellor, is with me. Does this election signal the beginning of the end of the United Kingdom? 
The SNP leader and First Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon, is in the studio too. And as for the Conservatives, "Get Brexit done". Really? And what about the trust factor? The Security Minister Brandon Lewis is with us as well. 
Reviewing the news this morning, the former Labour MP for Ashfield, Gloria De Piero, Britain's best loved pollster Sir John Curtice, and the Daily Mail's Sarah Vine. 
I see he's sticking with the "trust factor" angle as far as the Conservatives go.


  1. "The deceit, the pomposity" - well at least he's self-critical or is it just projection?

    1. And the trust...can we trust a man (Marr) who never owns up to this Trot-cum-Maoist past, when he was known as Red Andy? Why is he never forthcoming on the subject? It's a matter of trust after all...

  2. My thoughts exactly. Projection, projection, projection. Trust, or lack of, is a much more significant issue for the BBC than it is for the government. And I think people like Andrew Marr know it.


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