Monday 7 November 2016

Kim Ghattas asks the most sycophantic question ever (to Hillary Clinton)

(h/t DB)

I do hope you haven't just eaten...

This has to be seen to be believed. It's BBC reporter Kim Ghattas asking Hillary Clinton a question today:

And here's that what that question looks like in writing:
It seems to me that over time you've been often ahead of your time, you've been sometimes misunderstood, fought off a lot of prejudice. Do you think that, today, America understands you and is ready to accept you?


  1. And here's that what she might ask Donald Trump tomorrow:

    It seems to us at the BBC that you are a racist misogynist, you've been sometimes mad, shown a lot of prejudice. Do you think that, today, America understands you and is ready to accept you?

  2. Even the BBC might just be feeling embarrassed about this.

    Tonight's BBC One News at Six 'bigged up' the BBC by saying that Hillary had "spoke to the BBC" but didn't broadcast Kim Ghattas's question, only Hillary's answer to it (beginning, "Well, Kim, I think...").

    That's unusual for the BBC News at Six who like to show off their reporters 'speaking truth to power'. As Kim was kissing Hillary's hem, they may have thought her question wouldn't have gone down well with the viewing public, and that it would have have looked far too biased - even by the standards of the BBC's US election coverage.

  3. "It seems to me that over time you've been often ahead of your time, combining a billionaire lifestyle with virtue-signalling politicial correctness. You've been sometimes misogynistic in order to protect your partner in crime from his victims and have fought off a lot of investigations. Do you think that, today, America understands you and is ready to accept you? And by the way, did the Clinton Foundation really pay for your daughter's wedding?"

  4. I didn't realise that Kim Ghattas - a journalist whose salary and pension we pay, it seems, through our licence fees - is actually Hillary's hagiographer-in-chief, having written a complete whitewash job on her time as Secrerary of State ("The Secretary"). Such a good hagiographer is she, that she is affecting the US election result as you can tell from the Amazon reviews like this one:

    "I was not a Hillary supporter before this book but I am now much closer."

  5. The BBC entirely out of control now. Entire news output - apart from scant coverage of the Croydon tradegy - given over to tears for clinton/dispair at Trump. Its Brexit Bias 'plus plus plus'...


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