Sunday, 1 December 2019

Making us feel proud

Here was Andrew Marr's introduction this morning:
Good morning to you. A suicide vest, or that's what it looked like. People down, bleeding, dying. And three bystanders, a Polish cook armed with a narwhal tusk he'd taken off the wall, one with a fire extinguisher, and one with nothing, go into battle. One of those who died was a young man working hard to rehabilitate prisoners. Jack Merritt's father described him overnight as a beautiful spirit who always took the side of the underdog. In the middle of this election campaign, there hasn't been much to make us feel proud of where we live but this certainly did. 

1 comment:

  1. Yep - the "misery meme" from Marr also indulged in by many other members of the Beeboid Anti-democratic Party. All because Labour and Lib Dems are down in the poll. If it was the other wayu round it would be "exciting", "inspiring" and "gripping".


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