Sunday, 9 February 2020

Paper bag for Adam, please

Number 10 is trying to control the media, and everyone in our democracy out to be afraid gasps the headline. 

The piece then launches into a wheezy defence of the MSM, which he fears is being dangerously "downgraded". 

He partly blames the BBC for bringing this situation about, accusing the corporation of having "connived for their own selfish advantage" with this process of degradation. 

He's not wrong about the BBC's imperial swagger and occasional bloodlust towards its media rivals, but the example he gives of the BBC letting the side down is the corporation's refusal to play ball with its fellow broadcasters during the election by preferring their "shouty" Question Time format for election debates. 

Hmm, weren't those BBC debates (such as the Johnson/Corbyn one hosted by Nick Robinson) actually the best ones?