Sunday 16 June 2019


Police are investigating five electoral fraud allegations in the Peterborough by-election concerning "bribery and corruption", "postal votes" (3 allegations) and "breach of the privacy of votes".

These follow claims that postal votes were "harvested" by 'community leaders', plus concerns over the involvement of a Labour activist called Tariq Mahmood who was jailed in 2008 for postal vote interference. The question of why nearly 10,000 postal votes were cast is also alarming many. Plus a Labour supporter bragged online that he and two others had ‘burned more than 1,000 votes for the Brexit Party’. 

So is Peterborough a rotten borough?

My social media feed is full of such questions, but most of the mainstream media - including the BBC - seems uninterested in the story.

Do they believe there's nothing in it, or are they ignoring the story for other reasons?


  1. Of course, not just the BBC, but the Government and all the political parties that aren't TBP are going to steadfastly ignore this for obvious reasons.

  2. It's in the Sunday Times I'm pleased to say. Quite a long and prominent article labelled "Investigation".

    Maybe in a couple of months the BBC will give it a 200 word coverage tucked away under a regional news heading.

    1. Ah, Camouflaged in Cambridgeshire to add to the growing list: Buried in Berkshire and Hidden in Hertford etc.


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