Monday 24 June 2019

Second Half of Flaming June Open Thread

Away with the daisies!

Our snapdragons (Antirrhinum) are reaching new heights this year, nearing three foot, despite Brexit.

Our comments threads are reaching new heights too, also despite Brexit.

So thank you so much for your comments.


  1. Jon Pienaar on Pienaar's politics this morning -

    "He's the star isn't he? I don't know if he's going to be PM, but he's the star of the whole show".

    Can the pro Rory bias get any more brazen? About 3 mins 40 secs in.

  2. It's all become clear now. May remained a Remainer all along. She is reported to have voted for Rory and will try and thwart any no deal Brexit. She clearly sold us out and disregarded the vote of 17.4 million fellow citizens.

  3. BBC Radio 2 News this morning with reference to last night's C4 debate:

    Boris Johnson 'failed to take part'.

    1. And 6pm News, Kuenssberg: "It is very clear that he (Boris Johnson) is very deliberately being kept from public scrutiny." This clearly implies a. that Boris has no will of his own and b. that his team doesn't trust him not to put his foot in it.

    2. And on the BBC News website she says that Matt Hancock has decided to jump on "Johnson's jalopy".

      Definition of jalopy: "an old car in a dilapidated condition."

      Presumably if Hancock had jumped on to Rory's bandwagon it would have been a "classic sports car - fast but elegant".

  4. Just realised this is the new Open Thread not a Monty Don moment! ...

    Rory Cellan-Jones calls Rod Liddle a "racist git".

    I was wondering how this lacklustre BBC presenter has been able to cling on to his job, given he is the wrong age, race and gender. I thought it might have to do with the now-frequent "making public my disability" gambit (he's done it twice now - getting boring mate!) but researching the man I find that he is married to Diane Coyle, who just happens to have been on the BBC Trust from 2006 until 2015...that must have helped. Unbelievable! on the Trust while married to a senior reporter for BBC News (surprise, surprise, she was particularly complimentary about BBC News).

    Coyle, BTW is a full on EuroRemainiac. Despite being a much honoured economist, she has done her bit to encourage panic buying and stockpiling in order to produce the required "chaos" that can be blamed on Brexit. She did this in - surprise surprise - the Guardian:

    Of course it is also no surprise to find she is now a member of the Migration Advisory Committee and, like her husband, no doubt sees no connection between immigration from certain communities and electoral fraud.

    Drain our swamp!

    1. A Very enlightening piece of research MB.

      There has always been something oleaginous about him I couldn’t put my finger on, most recently on a mutual love-in with Jeremy Vine.

      I suspect the back story for a number of BBC likely suspects contain a few skeletons rattling about if we could unearth them.

    2. How is he the wrong anything - he's Welsh isn't he? And they've still got John Simpson - and Alan Yentob for heaven's sake!

    3. Yentob and Simpson are survivors from a bygone age. I think the power they hold over the BBC is that they are so well known they can write damaging articles that affect the BBC's reputation - like Paxman and some others have done. It's a kind of negative power. I suspect that's why John Humphreys has been kept on. Andrew Neil is there because they have to have at least one commentator/presenter from the right they can point to...albeit an enthusiastic globalist.

    4. Oh yeah, Humphrys too. Neil is going soon and has never been given the most prominent slots; he's been daytime or late night, mostly, though some election coverage. The Dimbelbums are going or gone. That's the end of an era. Paxman has been having another go at them, this time about pensioners and the free licence.

  5. Did you hear R4 Start The week, the way when the NEF voice said
    "we have only 10 years to save the planet"
    .. Marr immediately leapt up and said
    "but 132 months ago NEF started a campaign titled just 100 months to save the planet"
    ... Nah of course he didn't

    #FreePlatform to spread Global Warming Fear

    1. I remember famous American ecologist Paul Erlich back in 1969 or thereabouts saying his daughter would not survive another 20 years because of global ecological catastrophe.

      It's been a commonplace claim over the decades - 10, 20 years or whatever...not so different from religious zealots who always claim the world is going to end in a few years' time (not so long that nobody cares and not so short that they can't make a living out of it in the meantime).

      Extinction Rebellion are anti-democratic extremists. If their policies were put into practice, there would be mass unemployment, mass starvation, millions of farm animals would die painful deaths, the NHS would collapse, pavements would be covered in weekds and tree roots making them impassable to people in wheelchairds, millions of humans would die for lack of food or medical treatment, sewage treatment would be degraded...we'd probably end up with something like a civil war. All for what? The musings of a mentally deficient teenager under the control of manipulative adults.

      As for Miatta Fahnbulleh, doesn't look to me to be the sort to make any real lifestyle sacrifices herself - hair product isn't carbon neutral, love. How does she get to Liberia when she visits the folks there? By bus?


    Stig Abell (BBC Presenter, for some reason allowed to give us his personal political views) on Sky News tell us Rory has brought a certain elan to the Tory Leadership election and anyway does matter if HE has lied about being a spy...lies only matter if it's Boris, not if it's Rory, it would seem.

    1. "does NOT matter" according to Stig of the BBC Dump.

    2. Also on Sky Press Preview tonight they discussed an article about homelessness and councils closing down tent cities. Stig Unable wittered on about austerity, price of housing but as noted, was quite unable to bring himself to think about or mention some of the cause of some of these things, including sleeping rough, namely immigration, often illegal.

    3. He also spoke heart-rendingly about young mothers being imprisoned with their children...this from someone who lives off a compulsory licence fee system that puts women in prison if they watch TV without a licence. I'd call that gross hypocrisy. Removing the criminal offence has to be a first step towars sanity.

  7. The Home Office and MPS claim they are doing everything possible to combat political extremism.

    And yet they do nothing about this evidence for which there is plenty of film evidence which ended up in someone being hospitalised with concussion.

    As with the milkshake attacks, where the Police fail to prosecute, we have a double standard of law.

    1. That letter to the victim with its earnest dad 'advice' is Plodness at its cringeworthy worst. Someone should use it in Police Training College as an example of how not to do it.

  8. Mr Mardell, the Headmaster of Westminster School talks to one of his trusted confidantes, Mr Marr:

    That boy Boris is a menace, is he not? I caught him out lying yesterday about whether he'd been seeing girls out of school. What a deceitful, dishonest rake he is...I flogged him of course.

    Now, his classmate Rory of course, by way of contrast - he's most amusing...I asked him if he had ever been a member of the Spy Club. He told me to my face, no...then his form master came up and whispered in my ear that in fact he had been, for the last 6 years! see - he is such a good little spy he had somehow managed to pull the wool over my eyes! I've arranged with Matron to give him some extra cake on Sunday at high tea. Oh, and I've given him prime billing in the School Magazine.

    The problem with Boris is that the silly boys like him so much...all the teachers say he's popular. Now that does send a shudder through me. But I have my doubts. I think Rory is far more popular - you just need to test opinion in the proper way. Only yesterday I asked some random boys on the fields: "Who do you like the best: that lying little toad of a boy Boris who would close down your tuck shop or that dashing young hero of the sportsfield, Rory." Three out of four said Boris, which proves I am right. I thrashed the fourth boy who said he preferred Boris. A horrible oik from somewhere indescribable up north.

    The thing is we have to stop Boris becoming head boy. I know it's my decision but there was that terrible time back in 1640 when they burnt down the school because the Headmaster refused their choice...discretion better part of valour and all that ...delicate matter...the boys are just little savages really...

    What we have to do is spread more lies about Boris so the boys begin to hate him...when I say lies I mean of course facts - or facts that we may have to think about imaginatively...surely it's not too hard to believe he put a milkmaid in the family way, or beat up his best friend, or is cruel to puppies or was useless at running the Stamp Club or is really the son of Jack the Ripper?...if you could pass these thoughts on to the boys it would be most helpful, old chap.

    We can't have that dreadful Boris as head boy!

    1. Spoilt the above by typing Boris instead of Rory in the 8th line of the fourth para!

      I turned on my radio this morning at 7.50 and who should be on Radio 4's Today but Rory!!Rory we love you (at the BBC at least)...He seemed to be enjoying a cosy chat with a few "faux tough" questions thrown in. For instance Robinson asked him why he thought he could get May's deal through when she couldn't. What he should have focussed on is Rory's claim he would set up a Citizens Assembly to come up with a solution if Parliament failed. How will that work? What if the Assembly comes up with a variation on the Withdrawal Agreement. Rory has said that cannot be changed. So what is the point of a Citizens' Assembly if it can't change anything? It could only be a Rory Rubber Stamp. But what happens if the Citizens Assembly disagrees with Rory? What if it says it wants A50 revocation or a bog standard free trade deal - neither of which Rory supports? Will Rory accept that or resign as PM? If it just brings back the same May "deal" to Parliament what will happen if Parliament rejects it for the 5th time? Does that mean no Brexit? Or will Rory resign? We know Rory now has a history of offering fake promises of resignation (his time as Prisons Minister).

    2. Excellent MB. You just fumbled the wording slightly in the fourth paragraph:

      .... '." Three out of four said Boris, which proves I am right. I thrashed the fourth boy who said he preferred Boris.'...

      Please clarify, and then you can have full marks.

    3. Lol!

      The Headmaster might also have mentioned that, according to today's Telegraph, "The Army boys nicknamed (Rory) 'Florence of Belgravia' because of his propensity to want to compromise with the very terrorists who were killing British troops."

      The Headmaster and his media chums may feel that another appeaser is just what we need, but I very much doubt that boys will agree.

    4. This was a reply to MB's first comment but I'm a slow typist!

    5. This does raise an interesting question about the BBC's ambivalent attitude towards Old Etonians. After Gordon Brown's "policy made up on the playing fields of Eton" jibe, Osborne, Cameron, JRM and Boris became symbols of Tory privilege - despised by the BBC for that reason alone. And yet, here is Rory, from the same mould being hailed as a leader in waiting. It shows just how much the overturning of the Brexit vote matters to the BBC if they can turn a blind eye to privilege and disregard their traditional support for Labour. Mind you, Tom Watson nailed his colours to the mast by declaring Labour as a remain party yesterday, so their support may yet return to Labour.

    6. Agreed Arthur - it does show up the media's hypocrisy and mendacity. Rory is everything that a modern Tory should not be, according to the media. They should be supporting Sajid Javid if they really believe all that guff. But this is about ideology not equality. The prime objective of the PC globalist media, BBC to the fore, remains (ha-ha) the wrecking of Brexit to put populism back in its box. I think it's not even so much about Brexit, it's really about the populism. That's what they can't stand - the idea that the people were allowed to reach a decision on something of such importance. They might get a habit for it! A referendum on the licence fee might be a nice idea BTW... :)

      It's worth bearing in mind probably half of the media pundits and MPs (whatever their race or gender)who are so dedicated to "equality" and "diversity" had private educations...and probably 2/3 of the rest went to good grammar schools - maybe not Eton, but not your bog standard comp. So it's all just hypocritical virtue signalling when it comes to that.

      It's a shame Gordon's long courting of Crown Princess Margarita of Romania never came to anything, or he might have got one up on Boris, presumably having become the Prince Consort. :)

    7. Thanks Sis - I'd heard Rory's nickname of Florence of Belgravia (don't think I've ever heard it mentioned on the BBC). I didn't realise it was because of such weak-willed behaviour in Iraq that he was so named.

      The way our politicians and civil administration put troops at risk in Iraq was unconscionable. Because the political demand was that we be seen as "liberators" they obliged the soldiers to go round in berets and unarmoured land rovers, making them easy targets. As the IED bomb threat ratcheted up we pretended to know nothing about their origin (mostly Iran, presumably meant to look like local devices).

      Rory was part of a shambolic occupation that put our soldiers lives at risk and subjected Iraqi citizens - many innocent - to horrifically inhumane treatment. He has a lot of questions to answer about his time there, especially as we know, despite his lying denials, he was a spy.

    8. Adam Boulton apoplectic about the Telegraph's temerity in doing a "hit piece" on Rory - after a thousand anti-Boris hit pieces all over the media which he doesn't care about. Both Adam and his two London Bubble guests love Rory. Claiming he's not weird! lol

      These supposedly insightful commentators tell us that the Conservatives cannot win on a narrow based of TBP and Conservative voters....Last poll I saw gave TBP 24% and Conservatives 20% I think it was...a combined whopping total of 44% which if combined would deliver a massive majority in the Commons.

      When these commentators harp on about a "narrow base" what they mean is "people who don't think like me".

      There is I believe a huge majority in this country for Brexit, more effective criminal justice (doesn't mean more draconian punishments, but could include that where necessary), free speech, reindustrialisation and an end to the BBC licence fee, amongst other "populist" policies.

    9. Heard it all now - Adam Boulton poking fun at Boris for being "portly". :)

    10. MB -Adam Boulton - couldn't make it up!

      Conservative Woman has an article with the catchy title "Watch out, Rory, We're still on your case," at the end of which is a link to an in-depth article on him from the New Yorker. Well worth reading!

    11. I've had a lonely feeling in the last day or so as if I'm the only person in the country who thinks Rory talked himself out of the job in that Sunday night performance with his daft citizens' assembly and the ever-so-humble I don't know anything about anything. People will take you at your word and they do not want to feel that about their leaders, even if it might be true of them. Some people in the general audience may go Aw! but I doubt MPs will fall for it. What bothers me is that the bookies, no suckers for Aw! allegedly have him at 2nd favourite. To me he is just a weak and flaky character and candidate, if a noisy one.

    12. Anon - You are not alone - make that: 'weak, flaky and suffering from delusions of grandeur!'

    13. Anon -

      I took an instant dislike to him many years ago. He ran away from the Prisons Minister post (May got him out of that difficulty) after his vainglorious offer to resign if he didn't succeed in quelling violence and drugs in prisons (he didn't). Seeing him come out and defend May's Abject Surrender document was the final straw for me. Now he is promoting a de facto Remain position, since he has basically said he will do nothing to undo the logjam in Parliament.

      Bookies make their odds on money received...people who know no better follow what the media says.

  9. Learn more about 'Rory' in this 2010 New Yorker interview:

    It reminds me of my nephew's CV in which he claimed to have worked as 'a volunteer', he once helped lay out tables for a church 'bring-and-buy' sale.

    1. Lol..." I have extensive knowledge of retail operations..." (I go down the shops occasionally when Mum has forgotten to get some ice cream in.)

  10. On a rare outing in public, Lord and Sir, Hall and Clementi, are visiting the Lords Communications Committee this afternoon to discuss public service broadcasting remit in the era of On-Demand. I presume it will be live on the Parliament Channel - 3 30 pm.

    1. Forgot to put in a link. More detail here about the agenda:

      #Possible lines of questioning

      Topics for discussion with the BBC witnesses include:
      The public service remit of the BBC
      Rising costs in the high-end TV production
      Diversity on screen and behind the camera
      Why 16-34 year-olds consume half as much BBC content as the average
      The implications of the BBC’s proposed subscription service Britbox
      The process for setting the licence fee#

      They've also got Channel 4 in, including one Ian Katz formerly BBC Newsnight editor.

  11. Guido has a photo of the set for tonight's leadership debate; the chairs are frail, with spindly legs. If the aim is to make Boris look like Humpty Dumpty, it will succeed. He should say, "I prefer to debate standing up," & carry the chair to one side. He might also say that Rory would, no doubt, prefer to sit cross-legged on the floor.

    1. Will fit Rory perfectly though...only a high chair with a built-in rattle could be more appropriate.

      All together now:

      "Rory, we love you...Rory we do..."

      How embarrassing is Maitlis going to be with her fake moralising, inappropriate laughter , anti-Boris "Exocet" questions that will go off like tuppeny fireworks...? - hope she's not sitting on one of those things or she might reveal even more than she normally does.

  12. Good video from Carl Benjamin about electoral corruption in Peterborough...

  13. PC judiciary defending attacks on "right wing" politicians.

    District Judge Bernard Begley said: "This was an act of crass stupidity." and let the perpetrator Crowther off with a small fine (already covered by crowd-funding, as the judge will have known) and a bit of community work he'll be able to get out of with a doctor's note.

    An act of crass stupidity - or a sinister pre-meditated attack on free speech and democratic norms?

    Why was Corbyn's attacker put in jail but this guy gets off?

  14. Cataclysmic - disastrous, catastrophic, calamitous, tragic, devastating, ruinous, terrible, violent, awful

    Says Laura Kuenssberg this afternoon in an uncharacteristic slip-up;

    “...And impossible, therefore, to see how any of the contenders could keep their promise to take us out of the EU without a cataclysmic event - leaving without a deal, calling an election, or embarking on another referendum.“

    She also says MPs are tapping up Rory for potential jobs. The MSM are living in a parallel universe again.

    1. A parallel universe indeed!

      The one thing you can say with certainty is that Conservative MPs are a bunch of turkeys and they are not going to vote in any number for Rory Stewart aka "Christmas" (the Electoral Calculus/ComRes poll analysis suggests he would reduce the Conservatives to 51 MPs, which I can well believe).

      I'll give my analysis now: there is no chance of Agent Rory getting through to the members' vote. If you want a "change" candidate then you would go for Sajid Javid not some weird white Old Etonian reeking of "North Britain" aristocratic privilege and with a smile like something out of Alien.

      We all know that the BBC, ITV, Sky, leftist social media and most newspapers have strained every sinew to promote the creep - simply because he is the de facto Remain candidate, dedicated to not taking us out of the EU under any credible scenario. In fact the support from the media for his absurd, contradictory, lacklustre campaign proves just how Remainiac the media are. Peston, Mardell, Robinson, Marr, Husain, Simpson...all incredibly extreme Remainers who don't want any form of Brexit to take place.

  15. Rory-not-a-Tory is through to next round so we're in for yet more campaigning from the Beeb. To make matters worse I'm going to miss the debate tonight - relying on you folks for the truth about how it went, because that certainly won't be on tomorrow's BBC News!

    1. I'm hoping Boris begins "Rory and I were both at Eton...There the similarity ends. I can confirm I never tutored the Princes in Ancient Greek nor did MI6 require my services..."

  16. It will be interesting to see whether it is scrupulously fair for the five or set up to damage Boris and a no-deal.

    I’ll bet that the BBC have been hard at work all week with the format, questions and lines of attack to ensure the best chance of an outcome that suits their agenda.

    Let’s see.

    1. Arne - Also whether (or how!) stacked the audience is going to be!

    2. Chaotic and shambolic - no one is coming out of the debate particularly well. I wasn’t impressed at all by Boris.

      A few deliberate traps by the BBC and a massive win by BBC on Islamophobia

      Tax cuts for rich not guaranteed - success
      Words matter, Boris apology - success
      Islamophobia enquiry - success
      Heathrow airport extension cancelled - fail
      No hard border - success
      No general election before Brexit delivered - success

  17. MB Nice! Worwee has obviously decided the suspicion of being a spy adds glamour to his, otherwise dull, personality. Mrs Sis has declared him to be creepy & says he makes her squirm. Hope the Tory ladies feel the same!

  18. My debate take:

    1. Boris carried the Ming vase over the line. This involved him looking like a toddler on the naughty step. His tactic of just blustering forward with his answers and ignoring Emily's hostile interventions worked well for much of the programme.

    2. Words have consequences was the theme of one question, from the randomly chosen Imam from Bristol. Indeed they do. Like calling Trump a fascist, as Khan has done. We've already seen one assassination attempt on Trump by a Brit. Shame none of the gutless wonders on display had the guts to ask the questioner what "words" Imams use when speaking about unbelievers, about dogs, about women, about gays, about Hindus, about Jews in the unregulated Madrassa where children are subject to strict indoctrination.

    3. Missed the early Brexit discussion. Seems like Boris is a bit wobbly on it all...but really, he is the Conservative Party's only chance. It will be an act of extreme self-injury if the Conservatives fail to exit the EU by end of October.

    4. Sajid Javid showed his true colours by trapping his colleagues into agreeing an "external" inquiry (= Warsi and her MCB mates) into Islamophobia within the Conservative Party. Appalling behaviour. None of the panellists challenged the notion that Islamophobia is what the Muslim Brotherhood say it is.

    I have no great faith in Boris and Conservative MPs but surely they are self-interested and can see they have to do Brexit by the end of October come hell or high water. If not, a second failure will mean the death of the Conservative Party. It could happen very quickly. There are probably 40 Conservative MPs ready to switch to TBP if that second failure eventuates. That could mean the end of the Conservative Government.

    Emily was useless as Chair - no authority at all.

    1. Good summary MB, I did a brief one above.

      What a poor bunch they are though. Where is the eloquent statesman and leader amongst them?

    2. Thanks MB & Arne - pretty depressing on the whole; thought Boris had more backbone than that - from what you say, he's as pathetically eager to please the BBC as Cameron was.

    3. Yours as well - pretty chaotic and shambolic was an accurate summary! Yes, the BBC got some of what they wanted but they didn't mortally wound Boris (thanks to Emily's chaotic chairing).

      BBC News led its coverage of the debate with guess who? The lead candidate? His nearest rival? Nope, RORY of course!

    4. He is their man, no doubt. Not a conservative bone in his body which is why they love him.

    5. Shine has supposedly come off our Rory. Even Nick Watt on Newsnight described his campaign as "lacklustre" - a word I have been applying to him for several days now! They are finally catching up!! Even Rory himself agreed that he had been lacklustre.

      I think they know he's going out tomorrow so have to invent a reason why, despite their best endeavours, he's failed.

      By the way that Alien creature smile...the odd behaviour...comments about the studio being like a revolving he still on the opium? He is seriously weird. No way should he be allowed to get his hands on the nuclear codes.


    This is tucked away on a regional page - has it been on the main news at all?

    1. Was on the UK website page - looks like it's been demoted. Complaints from Labour Party?

      I haven't seen anything on the TV news.

      For me, it's those 400 void postal ballot papers that tells me there's been massive fraud. That just doesn't happen in a normal election, unless there has been fraud.

  20. Brilliant scoop by Guido - Abdullah Patel, the Imam from Bristol who asked the "Words have consequences" question and was treated with such fawning respect by the Conservative leadership candidates is actually an anti-Jewish activist who thinks Corbyn can take on the Zionists and who posted that graphic about how Israel should be relocated to the USA.

    Classic BBC! 65 million people to choose from and they take a question from an Islamic activist who wants to see Israel destroyed and Corbyn defeat the Zionists.

    So, Abdullah, what was it you said about "Words having consequences"? I suspect we will hear a bit more about Abdullah over the next few days...

    1. This Abdullah guy is also, it seems, Deputy Head of the following school:

      An emergency schools inspection report showed that:

      "The school does not meet the requirements of the schedule to The Education (Independent School Standards) Regulations 2014 (‘the independent school standards’) and associated requirements that were checked during this inspection"

      This is of course an Islamic Faith School.

      What sort of checks to the BBC do on questioners for such an important national TV debate?

      Drain our swamp! Stop the fawning!! And reject the concept of Islamophobia!!!

      Sadly none of the Conservative leadership candidates could doing of those three.

  21. BBC Politics bias:

    They tweet:

    "Peterborough by-election: Police say no bribery or postal voting offences committed, after allegations of 'malpractice'"

    But their own story says only that 3 of 5 allegations have been dismissed. Or to put it another way, the tweet could have said: "Police still investigating two of give allegations of electoral fraud".

    TBP should not leave it here, even if the Police completely exonerate Labour of fraud. They should mount an election petition.

  22. The Daily Mail are now on to the Abdullah story. The BBC consider Abdullah's question to be one of the "key moments" of the debate. I am sure that was the plan...

    But will the BBC censor this news about Abdullah's r*pe comments, about his use of anti-Semitic tropes, about his failing Islamic Faith School, and about his wish to see Israel destroyed? Will they suppress Nicky Campbell's tweeted apology about having him in his show? Will the BBC apologise?

    This is a massive humiliation for the BBC, for Rob Burley, for Maitlis and for all the anti-Boris mob.

  23. "Rory we love you, Rory we do!!!"

    Even as Rory is sluiced down the pan, the BBC are still desperately trying to promote his candidacy.

  24. Ivan Rogers explains perfectly in rambling style, the civil service negativity pervading Whitehall that has thwarted Brexit. NB it’s a long article at 8000 words.

    1. I seem to recall this same doomy bore wrote another rambling speech after the referendum explaining to us proles the impossibility of getting anything we wanted out of leaving the EU.

  25. Rory is out

    Oh dear, how sad, never mind.

    The scary thing is that 27 MPs supported him.

    1. But look at it this way: Rory only had the support of BBC TV, BBC Radio, Sky, ITV, Channel 4, the Guardian, Mirror, Independent, Times, Facebook and hundreds of allegedly "non political" media celebs like Gary Lineker...taking that into account, he's probably the shittest candidate ever to take part in a Conservative Leadership contest, being able to garner only 27 votes!

      I would like to add that I predicted his demise a few days ago when the media hype was at its zenith. Poll analysis showed Rory as leader would reduce the Conservative Party to a tiny rump - no surprise to me.

      This was a triumph of ideology over analysis. All the bigwig commentators like Laura K, Robert Peston, Beth Rigby, Adam Boulton, Nick Robinson, and Evan Davis were just so desperate to believe that Rory could win, because Rory would deliver, as we know, Remain or something so close to Remain (e.g. May's abject surrender deal) as to make no difference. Their Remainiac ideology blinded them to the man's faults, failings, eccentricities and inadequacies.

    2. Spot on MB. The BBC are still leading with Rory tonight even though he has been knocked out. He still has most column inches on their main website report. On Twitter, BBC journos are tweeting their commiserations heaping on words of praise and support.

      No surprise and more evidence of the politics of the MSM.

    3. Kuenssberg looking very pale & wan on 6pm news - in mourning for Rory or is she just realising what a hole the BBC & Maitlis have dug for themselves?

    4. I thought I was the sole dissenter. He talked himself out of the job on both occasions. A right negative gloom monger with no idea and no ideas other than ones he lifted from someone else. Never mind. At least he's gone now. Phew.
      I've been thinking one reason for Javid and Stewart hanging on so long might be that Gove gave a boost to their campaigns and backers by his extravagant buttering up of both of them on the first debate on Sunday night. Ridiculous, over the top and not advantageous to himself. I can't get over Gove proclaiming himself the original and best Leaver when he is now backed by fanatical Remainer Letwin. How does that square with Gove's claim?

    5. Anon - the Electoral Calculus/ComRes polling analysis suggested Rory as leader would reduce the Oonservatives to a rump of barely 50...I knew then he had no chance. But the media continued to build their Potemkin Village where Rory resides as King. Pathetic. Pathetic and malevolent because the media have obviously got used to the idea they can just manipulate public opinion this way and that.

      It really is time to drain our own swamp.

  26. So after Boris is crowned we are going to have 3 weeks of parliament left until the 31st of October.

    Boris should just call a general election and close parliament. That’d be a vote winner with the leavers.....

    1. He needs first to manouevre Labour into opposing Brexit. Once he has (not too difficult) then it's game on for the General Election - hoping that will be on the basis of a Conservative-TBP electoral pact which will slaughter Labour.

      Can you imagine Corbyn (a true Leaver) pretending to campaign as a Remainer? That will look so ridiculous...

  27. Vote of no confidence in himself followed by 2 weeks of obstructing anyone else getting a majority leaves 1 week for the election before B-day III.

  28. An article in Wednesday's Telegraph tells us that Nigel Farage has said that an electoral pact with PM Johnson, "would deliver a massive majority in the Commons." Has the BBC reported this? No, thought not!

    1. Yes, that is the end game that absolutely terrifies the BBC, the MSM and the whole of the Bien Pensant Left!

      They can see it is a v. likely outcome.

      Parliament rejects No Deal. Johnson goes to the country on the back of an electoral pact with TBP, including maybe a commitment to introduce a strong element of PR to the House of Commons as a first Act of the new government after Brexit...

      That would be the ultimate horror-nightmare for Peston, Mardell, Maitlis,Robinson and all the rest... :)

      The only thing stopping that sensible solution is the May-Hammond-Stewart Remainer faction. As soon as the Conservatives require candidates to agree to no deal they can get rid of that rotten element in the Party.

      Germany enjoyed decades of prosperity under the electoral pact between the CDU and CSU. There's no reason why we shouldn't have a happy future under a continuiing Conservative-TBP coalition.

    2. That Remainer faction, like the TIG lot who left - Soubry and that GP woman and somebody called Allen or Allan - could easily be LibDems. Perhaps they'll join them. And there you'd have a realignment into two main blocs, that Lib Lot + Watson and Co from Labour on one side and the Con / The Brexit Party on the other.

    3. I think Anna Soubry was ex SDP (the Shirley Williams gang) while Heidi Allen was chosen as a Conservative candidate under an open primary

  29. I know a lot people quite like Rob Burley (the man in charge of the Jew-Hating Imam Debate yesterday).

    They like his punchy style and his willingness to take on the bat-shit-crazy Momentumist faction...

    Same here...but it is high time everyone realised he is simply a major cog in the PC-Left-Liberal-Globalist machine that is set to flatten your freedom and destroy your peace and prosperity.

    It is clear he fully supported the BBC's approach to yesterday's Conservative leadership debate which was:

    1. To use a "visible Muslim" to deliver an "Exocet" question to Boris Johnson.

    2. Promote the pathetic Rory Stewart by not delivering any challenging questions in his direction.

    3. To genuflect to Islam by having 40% of questioners coming from the Muslim community, despite the fact they are only 5% of our population.

    The guy is bought and paid. He hates British culture and wants to destroy it. He wants to prevent us from finding the Burqa either comical or sinister.

    Under Burley, people just won't be allowed to find the Burqa anything other than a wonderful expression of our beautifully diverse culture.

    Every decision he makes in his important role supports that oppressive ideology.

    Since Burley was appointed to his current post when was the last time you saw Tommy Robinson or Katey Hopkins allowed to take part in discussions on national TV? They seem entirely absent from our screens now. Even UKIP Leader Gerard Batten MEP was shunted into the BBC News graveyard.

    This is all the "Burley Effect".

    Just remember - Burley is not nice. He is the enemy of free speech, despite what he says. He wants us to become Sharia compliant for some deluded PC reason emanating from his rather limited brain. Sorry Rob - I will never be Sharia compliant.

    Whenever these liars say anything just compare it with your understanding of the meaning of words or phrases like "free speech", "democracy", "free elections" actually mean. And then contrast that with what the likes of Burley want you to understand those terms mean.

    Burley is definitely a powerful enemy of freedom.

  30. I think we should all take succour from the fact that this is the "Worst Nightmare Ever" for Peston, Kuennesberg, Davis, Robinson, Sylvester, Husain, Simpson, Burley and thousands of other MSM journos up and down the country flying the traitors' flag.

    Boris becoming PM. Boris delivering Brexit. Boris enabling populism. This is absolutely their worst nightmare!!! And just a few months ago they thought they had it all sewn up with Blair, Ummuna, Soubry, Campbell, Hammond and May. Sorry guys! We are still a sort-of-democracy! :)

    1. Boris as PM AND Donald as POTUS. Double worst nightmare.

  31. Not sure if people know this...

    This Week - the last outpost of relative sanity - is to be replaced by a televised version of the podcast "Brexicast"...I am sure that will be "impartial, free and fair" with LK and Katya Adler on it.

    Presumably the idea is to create a running Antiborisian narrative week by week and also talk up the "chaos" and "catastrophe" of a no deal Brexit.

    1. Here's a link -

  32. The BBC are facing an increasing onslaught about their bias. It is now mainstream discussion in the papers, online and on the comments sections of articles, blogs and forums.

    The shambolic leadership debate and arrogant and righteous handling of the licence fee for over 75s has exacerbated everything that is wrong with the BBC.

    It is inconceivable that they aren’t aware of this but it doesn’t look like anyone at the BBC is concerned, let alone looking to tackle the damage done to their reputation.

    They rarely accept criticism and always defend their positions even when they are wrong. They continue to promote cultural Marxism and inject social engineering into the majority of their output.

    When an organisation fails to see its shortcomings, doesn’t take action to correct mistakes and doesn’t change leadership and strategy it generally fails and goes to the wall. In the real world sales and profit would dry up.

    The BBC is in a uniquely favourable position because the regressive tax and licence fee is the only thing holding up this failed corporation.

    1. Today's Telegraph is a heartwarming anti-Beeb rant, starting on the news pages & running through the Comments & into Readers' Letters. Look out Beeb - there are changes afoot!

    2. JRM laid in to the BBC on Sky's Adam Boulton programme and virtually said that's the last time Boris appears on a BBC TV debate - and he mentioned the anti-semitic Imam. I doubt Sky or ITV would be any fairer.

  33. Next round of voting: a btl comment on Guido suggests that Rory Stewart will write his own name on the ballot paper and put a X alongside it - almost right, but surely he'll write 'XXX'!

  34. "Monkey Brains20 June 2019 at 00:57
    I know a lot people quite like Rob Burley (the man in charge of the Jew-Hating Imam Debate yesterday). "

    Count me in on the 'not a fan' side.

    He is a weasel. And not a very bright one.

    He used to try and tackle comments from the non BSM corner, but as these were a) valid and b) well-articulated it always saw him painting himself into a corner, the solution to which was simply stop engaging and run away.

    Looking good though for the Fran slot if she ever gets back from where she goes to hide when a barge full of BBC night soil hits a reality wind turbine.

    Which happens a lot.

  35. BBC news pushing the line again that Conservative Party members are predominantly white and wealthier than most voters.

    1. Ah yes, good old Matthew Price of the BBC ('Beyond 100 Days, around 7.30pm):

      "It's now up to the Conservative Party's members to decide between the pair over the next month. There are about 160,000 of them. Mostly they're over 55 years old. They're predominantly white. They're wealthier than most voters."

    2. Ah, and here's what George Aligiah had to read out on tonight's BBC One News at Six:

      "Next, it is the Conservative Party's members who will have the final say over who will become the next prime minister. There are about 160,000 of them, mostly over 55, predominantly white and wealthier than most voters."

      That's almost word for word what Matthew Price 'spontaneously' said on 'Beyond 100 Days' later.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Last time I looked, the UK generally was "predominantly white" is that BBC code for "reflects the demographic make-up of the UK"?

    5. I'm sure the not so clever BBC are using it as a pejorative for gammon.

    6. It's about time the BBC was challenged about its skin colour pointing as if there is something wrong with the majority of the population, not to mention the national broadcaster's prejudicial pointing and targeting of middle-aged or older people as if there is something wrong with them also. As for wealth I bet most of the voters aren't as wealthy as Sir and Lord of the BBC, or that dull football presenter whom they pay millions of our money. And look at him. Anything else they notice and care to point out?

      Wasn't there a broadcaster who had to apologise recently after people objected to a prejudicial remark about the skin colour of an audience? Can't remember exactly what the context was. I think it was Jon Snow.

    7. The term 'gammon' is not racist.... according to the BBC:
      One point against the use, three points for.

  36. Kuenssberg and others at the BBC talking about skullduggery and dark arts by Boris supporters to get Gove out.

    But that haven’t always been so adverse to promoting tactical voting. It just has to be the right kind of tactical voting.

    1. Ah yes, that takes me back to when they thought Corbyn was dead in the water in the run up to the 2017 general election and they were banging the drum for the Lib Dems in the hope that they could get Labour voters to vote tactically in lots of constituencies. A couple of weeks in when Corbyn started to shine, they gave up on that.

      The BBC isn't just biased it's partisan participant in the political life of the nation.

    2. Yes, they are the ultimate well funded political pressure group with a carefully orchestrated agenda and a motivated membership dedicated to the cause.

    3. Sound: Ding-dong! Door opens...

      "Hello, my name's Mark Mardell...I'm standing locally for the Progressive Globalist Party. Would you like to listen to half an hour of my pro globalist, pro PC, sub-Marxist propaganda on your radio? It will only cost you £150 per annum."

  37. Check out the website bias by photo selection in full swing.

  38. We were promised the documentary on Tommy Robinson from Panorama months ago. Where is it? Are a bunch of producers, editors and researchers being paid while they try and cobble together something new having completely failed on the first attempt and exposed their nefarious ways?

    Alternatively, how long before the BBC admit the documentary is not going to appear?

    1. Next Week's Panorama Monday
      8:30 p.m. profile Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt.

      My guess is Panorama can't do the TR hit piece until after his trial
      (expect a stitch up)

  39. Licence fee policy proposal:

    1. Abolish the licence fee within 4 years, reducing by 25% per annum.

    2. Ten year programme to convert the BBC to a controlled subscription service.

    3. During the transition, the government will provide some subsidy.

    4. There will be a legal framework for the subscription service to be paid by all households, unless they opt out. Any debts to be collected in the normal way. Not a criminal offence.

    5. BBC Charter to be revoked on grounds of bias and revised.

    6. BBC to be broken up. Some services to be abolished. Some sold off to commercial sector. All local radio to be sold to commercial sector. Asian Network, Radio I Extra, Radio 6 Music to be discontinued. BBC World Service, BBC News, BBC Website, BBC TV and BBC Radio to become legally separate services.

    7. BBC to be allowed to take sponsorship for programmes, but not advertising.

    8. Portion of Arts Council funds to be allocated to BBC.

    9. Number of £75K and £100k plus salaries to be legally limited. Number of management staff v production staff to be legally limited.

    10. Selection interviewing for all middle to senior posts (over £50K) to be undertaken by independent body.

  40. I often disagree with Robert Peston, but he is spot on with this tweet. For those of us who love the Toy Story movies, this is a perfect example of why the po-faced and all too serious BBC has completed lost its way. The end result of cultural Marxism right there.

    “I am a bemused by why R4 Saturday Review would choose four reviewers for Toy Story 4 who have no emotional attachment to the Toy Story series, including two who had never seen any of them, and review it on the basis of whether the characters were ethnically diverse enough, whether it was feminist in the right way and why it did not have a powerful ecological message. For those of us for whom Toy Story were wonderful milestones as our children grew up, this is to miss the point completely. This is the BBC as self parody.”

    1. Snap!! I was just finishing a post about that as your comment came in.

  41. Shaun Ley - News Channel, 3pm News: Re: Boris's 'domestic' - "Boris Johnson failed (sic) to answer questions..." Typical 'impartial' BBC wording there!

    1. Refuse to dance to the media's tune and they will punish you, taking their revenge with 'failed'. BBC failed to report impartially.

  42. Say the BBC this morning
    “Sky News has said it will be forced to cancel a debate between the two men vying to be the next Tory leader unless Boris Johnson agrees to take part.”

    It was an invitation to participate, it has been declined.

    No one has been forced to do anything, but the BBC choose an emotive word.

    Words have consequences - the BBC are the masters of wordplay to emphasise a point.

  43. BBC 1 News at 1pm - The anchor asks Norman Smith how likely he thinks it is that Boris will change his mind and decide to appear at the Sky debate - Smith thinks it more likely that he, Boris, will pay his parking fines on time. A neat spot of 'impartial' disembowelling there, scoring two hits: 1. Boris is feckless & runs up parking fines and 2. he's a wastrel, who incurs avoidable excess charges. I really don't think I can watch much more of the BBC coverage.


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