Saturday 22 June 2019

"His grubby organisation"

The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse published its findings this week on allegations linked to the Archdiocese of Birmingham when the present leader of the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales, Cardinal Vincent Nichols, served archbishop there. The IICSA found that the then Archbishop of Birmingham defended the reputation of the church rather than protecting children in the face of allegations of sexual abuse.

The BBC has some involvement in the story. According to The Guardian:
In 2003 the BBC broadcast a documentary that traced [serial child abuser and priest James] Robinson to a caravan park in the US. Nichols issued a press release complaining that the programme was “hostile” to the Catholic church. This response was “misplaced and missed the point”, the IICSA report said."
Veteran BBC reporter Hugh Sykes's take on this is quite startling:

Putting 'cardinal' in inverted commas and describing the whole Catholic Church as a "grubby organisation" suggests real anger from Hugh.


  1. Is that the most blatant example of naked bias on behalf of the BBC? They certainly know what's a safe form of bigotry they can indulge without penalty. Eh, Fran?

  2. I don’t suppose you hear him or anyone from the BBC tweeting that about the ROP.


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