Monday 12 January 2015

Olive Wars II: Attack of the Repeats

Oh yeah. I see BBC Radio 4 is re-broadcasting Jeremy Bowen's Israel-unfriendly Olive Wars tonight at 8 o'clock, just over a month after its initial broadcast.

1 comment:

  1. Yes - that seemed a bit odd to me.

    I hadn't heard it first time round - just read some of the comment about it.

    It was truly dreadful - all that nonsense about romantic Arabs using manual techniques to press their olives (unlikely the wickedly advanced Israelis)...not asking the Palestinians any difficult questions...choosing what must have been one of the most unpleasant Jewish settlers around to give expression to their boneheaded no history to the land struggle (which began while the land was still occupied by the Turks (the presence of their descendants appears to be of no consequence) mention of the sequence of events - a series of horrific suicide bombings by Arabs against Jews - that gave rise to the barrier...

    I've no time for Jewish settlers in the occupied territories but the programme was completely biased. First off, this land would not have been occupied were it not for the attempts of Arabs to wipe out the state of Israel.


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