Saturday 9 July 2016

Divided we fall

...But we can’t insulate ourselves from the outside world.  Someone posted this excerpt from Question Time on Facebook, with the comment:

“Ian Hislop says those who voted remain can still have their say, despite the UK voting to leave the EU.”

Many ‘shares’ and comments appear below the video, including:

“It is a ridiculous fuck-up. General election now - Corbyn for PM.”

 “We might end up with a socialist government out of this, Oh how I hope for that.”

“Or just ignore the results of the referendum”

“It wasn’t a mandate.”

Outside world?

Let me just say (forgive the repetition) I do not have a Facebook account. This was posted by adults on someone’s timeline. (That someone wisely chooses not to engage in political discussions on Facebook.)

There have been avalanches of posts of a similar nature (citing both Corbyn and Bernie Sanders) on Facebook for months. 

Does it make you wonder why so many people appear to be completely confident that continually sharing their opinions on Facebook is acceptable? 

Also, why do they assume that the extreme political left is the norm?

As they say on t’interweb, am I missing something?


  1. I saw the whole sickening spectacle. Hislop was ghastly, Galloway was ghastly, the Lib Dem idiot was ghastly, the Labour Peer was ghastly, the Tory MP whom I'd never heard of was decent, but didn't stand a chance. The audience was mostly ghastly as well, as it's Brighton.

    Aside from the Tory guy, the only person who wasn't ghastly was Dimbleby. I think he's gotten fed up with all the BS from Remainiacs and whining children, even though his demeanor on vote night made it clear he's on their side.

    Hislop was right that the losing side is allowed to go on making the argument. But it's absurd to blame the Leave Campaign for making Cameron quit without a plan. I was shocked that he said it. Despite his anti-establishment poses and Private Eye's heritage, other than being somewhat socially conservative, Hislop is basically a Progressive dressed up as a Moralist these days. And he's as much a part of the Establishment as Dimbleby at this point.

  2. I have no idea what passes for debate on social media, but I think it’s fairly obvious considering the default position of the BBC why the extreme political left might be considered the norm.

    As for Hislop, I have never considered him to be anything more than a professional sneerer. I love the grudging reference to “metropolitan” in his rant. Well, yes Ian, exactly.

  3. Anyone else able to imagine we Leavers crying, screaming, marching, threatening,yelling and calling for another vote-had WE lost on June 23rd?
    Course not-because we`re democrats and realise that my one vote is worth Heseltines one vote-sorry about that BBC, suck it up as Mr Halligan says.
    The Butt Hole Surfers of the Left seem genuinely traumatised by the vote of we little people. Addicted to easy lazy victories over nothing much, dependent on their beehive tropes getting mirrored and then amplified by MSM and the liberal outlets lie universities-and quietly fascist ones like the BBC.
    Oh dear...still, at least the poppets are off their PS2s for a healthy Saturday afternoon caterwauling...that`s exercise innit?

  4. Sorry to post this here, but I'm not sure where else to post it! I've just noticed this, which I think is an excellent example of sheer contempt for/shameful ignorance of British history/established practice. On the part of employees of Britain's "national broadcaster" too!

    The wife of a knight is not "Lady Her-forename" as if she is the daughter of a peer, and the BBC is evidently jumping on the bandwagon of the ignorant and the radical who for whatever reason seem to think it is or that it should be:

    "Sir Jackie Stewart has told BBC Radio 5 live that treating his wife’s dementia is 'the biggest challenge of his life'.
    Lady Helen, 75, was diagnosed with the disease two years ago. Her husband is now launching a charity called Race Against Dementia to put right what he sees as a grave lack of research funding."

    It may seem a trivial point, but I suspect it's part of the BBC mindset that refuses to refer to Wales as "the Principality" on the grounds that to do so offends anti-monarchists (use of "Principality" to describe Wales was banned by an in-house BBC edict several years ago). Peter Sissons must be askance.


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