Saturday 2 July 2016


At least the BBC has chosen not to lead its News website with the anti-Brexit march in London. Sky, on the other hand, is leading with it:

The obvious thing to say about this march has already been said by General Boles on Twitter (from a couple of hours ago): 

Unless there are 18 million people on #marchforeurope they'd have been better off staying in bed.


  1. I have noted the BBC pushing the #MarchforEurope as its headline elsewhere though, which is, surely, inaccurate? It is for the EU, which is not Europe by a long chalk. And the BBC has been nailed for this conflation attempt before, like they care.

  2. Watched BBC news channel at about 5.20 pm. Presenter was interviewing one of their own politics editors. Presenter:What about the fact some people - we don't know how many- now say they regret having voted Leave. Then re: London demo, 'the new leader will surely have to take it into account when deciding what form our leaving should take.' It really is both relentless and uncontrolled. Come on Mr Whittingdale, what are you waiting for?

    1. Here's a transcription of that bit:

      CHRIS ROGERS: Our political correspondent Chris Mason's been following the march today in London against Brexit and also the latest twists and turns in the leadership campaign in the Conservative Party and the leadership challenge in the Labour Party. Let's hear what he's got to say.

      CHRIS MASON: The bottom line is: as passionate as the views were on both sides of that referendum one side won and the other side lost, and the people you were seeing there on that demo were on the losing side. And I think whoever is the next prime minister is going to accept that as the simple political reality.

      CHRIS ROGERS: But there are some people - and we don't have any scientific figures - but there are clearly some people who regret voting the way they did.

      CHRIS MASON: Yeah. There will be some people who regret voting that way. And there's plenty at Westminster who regret that the country voted that way. But the simple reality is that it did. I think where the politics will play in and where voices on that demonstration will be listened to is exactly what Out should look like. So the next prime minister has a mandate to take the UK out of the European Union. That is clear. Exactly what that relationship with the EU from the outside looks like is going to be the subject of a huge amount of politics and discussion and negotiation and. ultimately, compromise I suspect, but with there being no grounds, no mandate in terms of the grounds for reversing the outcome of what was a vote with a huge turnout.

    2. Seriously? You're supposed to count alleged 'Regrets' as Remain votes now, in the interests of voiding the result? Talk about grasping at straws.

      We don't have any scientific figures...

      Since when did that stop the BBC? Or the Left?

      Wake me up when it gets violent. And it will get violent eventually unless the new PM pulls a "never mind".

  3. PS from, Anonymous, above: I would urge readers to visit Guido Fawkes site & read about criticism of T.May pulled ,allegedly, after pressure from her campaign. There is a link to full article.

    1. What do people see in her? Honestly, I've never understood it.

  4. Thanks for summary Chris. More balanced than my comment, but no less damning of BBC line.


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