Saturday, 13 February 2021

Correcting and Clarifying


For fans of the BBC's Corrections and Clarifications page, here are the two latest arrivals:

BBC News Persian, 19 October 2018

In 2018 BBC News Persian published an article (in Persian) which used an inappropriate word to refer to homosexuality. This word should not have been used and the article has now been corrected. We apologise for the offence caused.


Quite a time lag there! 

Dateline London, BBC News Channel, 16 January 2021

We suggested that under the Oslo Accords, Palestinian healthcare is ultimately the responsibility of the Israeli government.

Although there is a wider dispute over the issue, the Accords - which Israel signed with the Palestine Liberation Organisation - give the Palestinian Authority oversight of public health under the principles of self-determination.


It was presenter Shaun Ley making that error. He even added a "very clearly" to the thing the BBC has now had to clarify.