Sunday, 14 February 2021

"I do get to correct when you make either misstatements or a statement that needs clarification. That's how it works when you come onto the BBC. I ask a question. You answer it. If you make a misstatement I jump in anytime I want."

There's been discussion over at Biased BBC about a feisty BBC News Channel interview this morning. It took place at 12.07am and featured James Reynolds. I can't supply a video, but here's a transcript:


James Reynolds, BBC: We can now speak to Republican strategist Seth Weathers who joins us from Atlanta. Hey Seth, good to see you. It was an acquittal, but was it really an exoneration? 
Seth Weathers, Republican strategist: Clearly. The reality was it wasn't even a real impeachment, which is why the head of the Supreme Court refused to sit over the trial. It...
James Reynolds: (interrupting) No, that's, no, no. He refused to sit over the trial because he only presides when a sitting president is there. That is not...That is a very separate issue from whether impeachment goes ahead or not. 
Seth Weathers: No.
James Reynolds: You know that. The Senate voted 56 to 34 to let the trial continue. You can carry on, but when you make a statement like that I jump in. Seth, all yours.
Seth Weathers: I'd love for you to jump in. The reality is the Constitution makes it very clear that you cannot impeach someone who is not a sitting president. You can impeach...
James Reynolds(interrupting) No, come on Seth! We are not going to keep talking about this because...
Seth Weathers: Do I get to finish? Do I get anything to say?
James Reynolds: You can talk.
Seth Weathers: You're just going to talk over me?
James Reynolds: Well, I do get to correct when you make either misstatements or a statement that needs clarification. That's how it works when you come onto the BBC. I ask a question. You answer it. If you make a misstatement I jump in anytime I want. So, Seth, can we carry on and not keep talking about the unconstitutionality? Can we talk about what Donald Trump will do now? Seth, can you talk about what Donald Trump will do now?
Seth Weathers: Do you want to discuss what happened or do you want to talk over me when I make statements?  So you're the decider of what is fact? You're the constitutional scholar of the Constitution of the United States of America? You know all, and you get to correct me and shut me up on air if I say something you disagree with? The reality is you cannot impeach someone who is not a sitting president. The Constitution makes that clear, which is why they say the purpose is to remove a president from office. That's the only point I'm trying to make. I don't know why that sets you off...
James Reynolds: (interrupting) I get that, and I think you also know...just let me speak...and you also know that the Senate voted the other way, to let that trial continue. 
Seth Weathers: Right.
James Reynolds: Now, we know you disagree with that, but they did vote. Let's just talk about today. OK. 57 to 43. That included seven Republican senators. Does it sting to have them vote against President...former President Trump? 
Seth Weathers: No, it doesn't sting at all. I mean the kind of people that voted against him are little weasels like Ben Sasse and others, Mitt Romney etc. These are people that if there were an election anytime soon in their states, specifically someone like Ben Sasse, they're very likely going to lose that reelection. And these are people who have just...they've had it out for Donald Trump from before he became president, from the time he first ran. They've hated him. They are establishment hacks. The Republican Party, the people on the base, they don't...we don't like these people. DC likes them. The media likes them. That's pretty much it. And so, again, these are the people that are not going to be in sound situations when it comes to reelection. And again, everything about this was a farce. There is no legitimacy to this. It's a joke...
James Reynolds: (interrupting) Hey, we've just said...You've said all that. Let's...You've said all that.
Seth Weathers: Both sides of the aisle are [indecipherable because of talking over] in discredit. 
James Reynolds: I did hear you. You did say that. Let me move on...Donald Trump talked about moving on with Making America Great Again. Does he want to get back into active politics? 
Seth Weathers: I think he's going to be very active when it comes to 2022 and supporting people that were opposed to him, whether it is in this impeachment or in other areas, and that is specifically speaking as to Republicans. And so I do think...I don't personally really believe he is going to run in 2024. I think he would rather in essence use the fear of him potentially running for other Republicans to keep that position open and eventually to be a kingmaker on whoever that individual ultimately is. And I do think he will have a kingmaker role in that. 
James Reynolds: Seth, we did get there in the end. 
Seth Weathers: (laughing) I hope next time we can have more of a back-and-forth conversation. 
James Reynolds: OK, we'll try again next time. Seth Weathers, thank you so much for speaking to us. 
Seth Weathers: Any time.