Friday 26 November 2021


Here are a few tweets this morning from Dan Hodges:
  • Macron cancelled a meeting about how to stop people drowning in the English Channel because he didn't like the tone of a letter he was sent. And he then accuses Boris of not acting seriously...
  • It doesn't matter what the issue is. In any argument between the UK and an EU member state the FBPE crowd will always align themselves with the EU. If this was reversed they would be screaming "Boris cancelled a meeting because of a letter!!! For God's sake, lives are at stake!".
  • And have you ever refused a meeting that could save lives because someone sent you a badly worded letter?
Hm, after watching BBC Breakfast this morning and hearing their tone I'm tempted to tweak that to:
It doesn't matter what the issue is. In any argument between the UK and an EU member state the BBC crowd will always align themselves with the EU.

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