Saturday, 20 August 2016

The BBC and half the story

Following on from Sue's post...

That BBC article cites French journalist Alexandra Gonzalez's tweets. 

She sent out 6 tweets in quick succession:

including the one highlighted above:
Selon le grand rabbin de Strasbourg, René Gutman, l'homme avait déjà agressé une personne de confession juive à Strasbourg, en 2010 (AFP). 
According to the Chief Rabbi of Strasbourg, René Gutman, the man had assaulted a person of the Jewish faith in Strasbourg, in 2010 (AFP).
So the BBC reporter who wrote that report, and linked to her tweets in it, must have read that particular tweet too. (It's impossible to miss.) It was tweeted at the same time.

That BBC reporter must, therefore, have consciously decided not to report it - even though it is obviously highly relevant to the story.

That, surely, is dishonest reporting.

The BBC report has not been updated since it was first published.