Saturday 6 January 2018

"He claimed"

Just good friends?

If there's one thing we do know about the Iranian regime it's that it has been brutalising women and murdering gay people for nearly 40 years. 

According to the BBC, however, this isn't something we 'know' at all. It's only something people 'claim'.

Here, for example, is the BBC News website today:
Mr Tugendhat said it was "hardly a knee jerk reaction" to condemn the regime, which he claimed had been brutalising women and murdering gay people for 40 years.
And here's BBC political correspondent Leila Nathoo on Today (at 7:02 this morning):
The Conservative MP Tom Tugendhat, who chairs the cross-party Commons Foreign Affairs Committee, said it was "hardly a knee-jerk reaction" to condemn a regime which he claimed had been brutalising women and murdering gay people for 40 years.
(The emphasis on 'he' in that last quote was Leila's own). 

1 comment:

  1. Can the BBC simply forget the stories and pictures that were filling our TV screens after the Iranian Revolution, when tens of thousands of people were being dragged from their homes to be tortured and murdered by the regime? Do they believe Iran has become, in the intervening years, a bastion of tolerance and liberalism? Perhaps Iran’s support for Hezbollah and their hostility towards Israel is enough for BBC groupthink to turn a blind eye.

    I see no difference between an idiot like Leila Nathoo and the very similar idiots on the British in left who condoned or ignored the horrors committed by Stalin.


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