Saturday 13 January 2018

Roger Harrabin is Opinionated (shocker)

The Roger Harrabin

I like Alex Deane and trust his judgement on most things, so when I read this...

...I suspected that Alex might, most probably, have a point - especially given that it was the BBC's (environmental activist) environment analyst Roger Harrabin who was doing the reporting for the BBC here. 

Alex then added:
0.28%. Not the UK, the whole of Europe, 0.28%.  
Of course we should pollute less. But the way some environmentalists get the hair shirts out for us seems to ignore the facts.
And by "some environmentalists" he clearly included the BBC's Roger Harrabin.

Was he being fair to the BBC's very own Green Man here though? Was he unfairly doing down his own country to promote an environmentalist cause?

I'm pretty sure that Alex was, above all, referring to Roger's stony-faced appearance on BBC One's News at Ten this Thursday where the Not-So-Jolly Green BBC Reporter said:
Yes, it's ironic actually that she [Mrs May] did focus on plastics because that is one of the weakest areas of the document that they've produced today. If she wants to be a world leader in plastics, which she says she does, maybe someone should have told her that Bangladesh banned plastic bags back in 2002. We are lagging in the UK behind many African countries on that.
Well, yes, from that I'd say that Alex raises a serious question mark over the factual accuracy of Roger Harrabin's reporting on that news bulletin but, as I'm no expert, I won't pronounce judgment on that

I will, however, find Roger Harrabin guilty here of giving a highly-charged opinion (or two) at the BBC licence fee payers' expense. He was being very opinionated.


  1. What a surprise...plastic bags are still on sale in Bangladesh (see link below). Perhaps Roger doesn't understand the nature of the place. People are far more concerned about blasphemy than pollution.

  2. More BS from Harrabin on the 6pm news last night


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