Tuesday 8 March 2016

Introducing a new site...

A new site has just been launched:

I'd urge you to check it out. (I've added it to our sidebar for easy access).

The point of the site is to collate specific examples of BBC bias vis-à-vis the EU referendum, and use them in evidence against the BBC.

The people behind the site are those meticulous folk at News-Watch. 

Having the close ear of leading politicians and campaigners, they will be bending those very ears over the coming months, making sure that all examples of clear bias on the BBC's part are taken forward. 

They need our help though. 

There's a very easy to use form on its home page where any of us can pop in the details of any examples of pro-EU bias we come across. 

Some (with the individual complainant's consent) will then be posted on the site for all to read. 

Every complaint that holds water will be considered and many will be directly fed into high-powered complaints to the BBC. 

The amusing thing about BBC Complaints, with its deliciously crafty internet address - http://bbccomplaints.com - is that the BBC will hate its very existence.

Lots and lots of people will keep stumbling across it on their way to the official BBC complaints site.

Hopefully they'll then register their complaints at both sites!

1 comment:

  1. Nice! First complaint already submitted. It's the most minor thing, seems almost petty to complain, but it's part of the drip, drip, drip effect of reflexive pro-EU sentiment. Yesterday's Terry & Mason's Great Food Trip Ep 5 (Canterbury, repeat from last year obviously) had Wogan cooing over the lives of little whelks being saved by EU regulations.

    A very tiny example of how BBC bias is spread across the spectrum of broadcasting, not just limited to BBC News or the website.


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