Sunday, 9 July 2017

Radio 4 goes it alone

As today is one of those days where I pour out post after post like an over-eager host at a party (or like me at any party to be even more precise), here's another random blurt... 

This morning's BH on Radio 4 kicked off with an interview with a lawyer talking the Government to court over their deal with the DUP. It was a BBC 'exclusive'. 

The lawyer in question, David Greene, had previously played a big part in Gina Miller's court case against the government over Brexit, so I'm assuming it's another cunning indirect plan to thwart Brexit. 

This lunchtime's The World This Weekend also majored on this story, following on from BH, plugging the legal challenge even more.

Oddly, however, this is one of the few occasions when the BBC hasn't fired on all cylinders across all its many platforms. The BBC News website appears to have given the story a miss. It wasn't on BBC One's evening news bulletin tonight either.

That's so 'odd' in fact, that I'm genuinely surprised. Maybe it's all a dream.