Tuesday 21 January 2020

A Knight in shining armour?

Fedup2 at Biased BBC notes that the Conservative MP for Solihull, Julian Knight, is campaigning to become the new chair of the Parliamentary Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) select committee in place of "BBC remainer fan" Damien Collins (also re-elected as an MP at the election).

Mr Knight wants a Commons inquiry into the future of the BBC because of its 'bias' and for being 'out of touch' with those who pay for it.

"It’s worth watching for signs of the real change this site is looking for", Fedup writes. (And  this one too).

Here's what Mr Knight says:
Don’t forget, the BBC, in terms of employees, is the size of a chunky town, it has its own culture, and this forms - often unconsciously - how it reports the news, particularly subjects which are against the grain for the west London media elites. And because of the existence of the licence fee people feel, rightly, they have a right to judge their output. They see or hear lop-sided views and they no longer think Aunty knows best. People want greater accountability. We are not happy being spoon fed and told what to think. We want the national broadcaster to reflect us. This will only happen if the way the BBC is paid for becomes fair and transparent and Aunty learns it is not all about her.
Here's his CV:

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