Sunday 12 January 2020

"Not a lot of very clear answers"

Emily Thornberry on The Andrew Marr Show was straining her every sinew to smile and laugh and make her eyes sparkle at the start of her interview. It looked very odd. Later she tried 'a reverse Hyacinth Bucket', attempting to show how working class she is. I half expected her to say of her sister (who she mentioned), "She's the one without a Mercedes, swimming pool, or room for a pony".

The great lady, nonetheless, proved herself to be the equal of her comrade Diane Abbott, at least as regards numeracy, saying, "Harry's spent 20 years on the frontline in Afghanistan", which meant he must have served there even before the war began, at the age of 15. (He actually served 30 weeks in total in Afghanistan). Andrew Marr didn't pick her up on it.

As for Brandon Lewis, "Brandon Lewis, not a lot of very clear answers but thank you very for joining us anyway" was Andrew Marr's parting shot at him. 

Mr Lewis kept on saying that he couldn't go into the details of things like what the government is going to do further over the arrest of the UK ambassador to Iran, or about Meghan and Harry's security, or go into detail about the UK's negotiating position with the EU over security. He may have been right, but Andy wasn't buying it.

I also notice that The Andrew Marr Show is still pushing ministers over the 'Russian involvement in British politics' select committee report, as the Corbynistas are continually demanding the BBC does. Pressure sometimes works. Mr Lewis pointed out that there needs to be a committee chairman in place before that happens (too soon after the election yet), something the programme doesn't appear to have realised. 


  1. O-D-D. What a strange way to spell 'terrifying'.

  2. Andrew mentioning 'clarity' given his after-work activities and researcher competencies seems... brave.

    1. He digs deep - be fair!

  3. Good that he remains hands on.

    1. True. His searching analysis does get to the bottom of the matter at hand.


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