Tuesday 28 January 2020

Crossing the line

What an excellent video Sue posted (below). Lara Logan's "a press corps that's working hand-in-hand with propaganda organisations with a political agenda" reminds me that the BBC's Newsnight recently worked hand-in-hand with Greenpeace - on which very theme please read David Keighley's latest post at The Conservative Woman headlined Greenpeace and the annexing of BBC news. It still astonishes me that the BBC has now crossed this line. 

1 comment:

  1. The BBC has gone even more deranged on matters climatic than 28gate and subsequent 'settled science' suggested.

    Sir Boaty is hugging St. Greta as she monetises her Dad's branding efforts in a manner that would make Megharry blush, and 'speaks' at a 'speaking for a nation' democracy reboot that makes XR seems democratic, that makes utterly inaccurate claims which the BBC ignores as it promotes them.

    Meanwhile Justin, Roger and David seem to be vying with the old Top Gear lads in seeing how much diesel they can dust on pristine polar snows.... to emote on the threats faced.


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