Sunday 26 January 2020

Would you like to work for the BBC?

What on earth is going on at the BBC?

Victoria Derbyshire heard that her programme was being cancelled after reading it in The Times.

And now, live on Twitter, one of the Today programme's longest-serving reporters, Sanchia Berg, is (understandably) spitting feathers after learning that her job is going via MailOnline:
I learn through @MailOnline that the job I’ve done for more than 20 years is to be closed. Thanks!
Here are some of the replies:
  • Gaetan Portal: Look after yourself Sanchia. The leaking of plans for cuts to staff and services is awful. Whoever is behind it should be ashamed of themselves. All best to you. 
  • June Kelly (BBC Home Affairs Correspondent): Gaetan is speaking for many of us. 
  • Jim Reed (BBC reporter): This whole process has been an absolute car crash. Know how you feel Sanchia and thoughts with you and Today team this week. Hoping it's not as bad as Mail makes out.


  1. Come on, really. Victoria Derbyshire reading the Times? Everyone knows that reading the Guardian is obligatory for BBC staff.

    1. True. "Being told about it after someone else read it in the Times" would be better.

  2. Well they've never shed a tear after hounding people for exercising their natural right of free speech to the point where they lose their job as a result of BBC persecution. So deffo won't be shedding a tear for any of them now!

    Anyway, has she actually lost her job or is she just refusing to suffer Salford?

    1. Victoria Derbyshire was at Radio 5Live for a while after the move to Salford. I always though she had a deal with the BBC whereby if she stuck it out there for a few months, she could return to London with her head held high for a juicier, more lucrative position. I guess that's why she's miffed.

  3. She could always learn to code...


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