Sunday 26 January 2020


Here's something you don't see every day, a BBC journalist apologising:
Newsnight: “You can see some really significant increases… the vast majority of MPs and CLP Chairmen did think that many were joining to vote specifically for Keir Starmer.” Policy editor Lewis Goodall reveals an influx of new members joining the Labour Party.
Laura Parker: Lewis Goodall, were none of the ppl you contacted running CLPs women?! 
Lewis Goodall: Hello, there were, of course. Many apologies, I meant to say chairmen and women, however, live TV and all that, made a mistake. Should have saved myself the bother and said “chairs” instead.
Laura Parker: Thank you.
Yes, he's apologising for using the word 'chairmen'!

Laura Parker is the top 'woman' in Momentum.

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