Friday 10 January 2020

Slip of the tongue?

Breaking news:
Adel Darwish: A BBC senior staff has just said “the murder of Qassem Soleimani” before quickly saying “killing of” live on @BBCr4today .. hopefully .. hopefully it doesn’t reflect Auntie’s groupthink on the issue!!
That was Frank Gardner (around 8.14 am) after seeming to bend over backwards to put Iran's possible shooting down of a Ukrainian airline in the most favourable (to Iran) context possible. 


  1. I would say that it’s pretty obvious from the tone of the reporting that is what they think when talking amongst themselves in the BBC canteen.

  2. The degree of 'editorial integrity' from all BBC staff across all platforms about the downing of a civilian airliner has so far been nothing short of miraculous.

    Matched only by that of every other MSM outlet.


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