Saturday 26 May 2018

"In our viewers' minds"

Very interesting Newsnight interview with Steve Bannon the other night. Newsnight has received a lot of flak for daring to 'platform' a 'far-right' voice like Mr. Bannon but that's only to be expected these days. 

As for matters relating to the title of this blog, perhaps the most interesting intervention from Emily Maitlis was this question:
In our viewers' minds you are the man who has driven a nationalistic, divisive, dangerous, arguably racist agenda right into the mainstream. You've emboldened white supremacists. You've allowed, as one person put it to me, the Ku Klux Klan...
What, all of them?

1 comment:

  1. I see it as Emily's admission that Newsnight has been portraying Bannon to it's viewers as "nationalistic, divisive, dangerous, arguably racist, etc...".


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