Monday, 20 January 2020

What Meghan Wants

“The BBC has an eleven-year Charter — our mission is secure until 2027. But we also have a mid-mission is secure until 2027. But we also have a mid-term review process for the spring of 2022.

WTF? As someone pointed out, the BBC is too vast not to have appointed a proof reader - (oops nearly forgot the ‘r’ ) -  to glance through the DG’s resignation letter before it went to press. The coffers have probably been drained by Sarah Montague’s massive payout. 

Anyway, I just thought I’d mention Tony Hall’s resignation in the light of his remarkably self-deluded cloth-earedness: 
“In an era of fake news, we remain the gold standard of impartiality and truth. What the BBC is, and what it stands for, is precious for this country. We ignore that at our peril.”
Beryl the Peril.

Which brings me to Mark Thompson who has evidently gained a huge amount of personal confidence since he left the Beeb to turn the NYT into a sanctuary of lefty anti-Britishness

On Marr yesterday Thompson showed no sign of the stammering hesitancy of old. If it’s that good at boosting one’s ego maybe we should all join Harry and Meghan across t’pond in their new aspirational 'commoner' role. (Pity Harry when Meghan decides she wants “a brahn baby”.)

Harry and Meghan