Friday, 5 April 2019

Thought for the Day

People sometimes say that the headlines on the BBC News website make it seem like a Guardian impersonator, but that's unfair to the Guardian

The Guardian's home page is headed by a large collection of serious, significant news stories. The identity politics stuff which we associate with the Guardian is largely kept for elsewhere on the site. The BBC, in contrast, often loads the top of its home page with such stories. 

So would it be right then to say that the BBC is more 'Guardian' than the Guardian? Again, I think that would be unfair to the Guardian. The BBC is now simply being the BBC. 

Take today. The BBC News website's headlines include a piece on racism in football, a piece about the gender pay gap, a piece on gay Muslims, and a piece about prejudice against gypsies in the UK - plus the usual Brexit gloom-mongering and some entertainment news. Turn then to the Guardian, and you find substance and proper news.