Jon Donnison is really going for Israeli spokesmen at the moment. (Just listen to the 'Sound Cloud' in one of the tweets below.)
His tweet-sent editorial judgement on this is:
There is a clear policy by both Hamas and IDF of disputing events before facts are known. It muddies water and makes truth harder to stick.
IDF @LTCPeterLerner just told me doesn't believe Israeli fire killed 13 people at UN school in Gaza. Says only 1 mortar hit school. 1/4
— Jon Donnison (@JonDonnison) July 28, 2014
Idf @LTCPeterLerner says he believes UNWRA boss bob turner was lied to by his staff re UN school. @ChrisGunness 2/4
— Jon Donnison (@JonDonnison) July 28, 2014
Idf @LTCPeterLerner says no fighting or pal fire within 100 m of UN school but says dead may have been brought in from elsewhere. 3/4
— Jon Donnison (@JonDonnison) July 28, 2014
Asked @LTCPeterLerner why idf only released 10 sec video of UN school incident. Said they had more but wouldn't release for op reasons 4/4
— Jon Donnison (@JonDonnison) July 28, 2014
IDF's @LTCPeterLerner contradicts earlier IDF comments that Pal fighters firing from UN school courtyard. Now says no fighting within 100m.
— Jon Donnison (@JonDonnison) July 28, 2014
On UN school attack UNWRA says: "after the first shell there were several others in close vicinity of the school within a matter of minutes"
— Jon Donnison (@JonDonnison) July 28, 2014
My int with IDF @LTCPeterLerner on why he says "errant" israeli mortar did not kill 13 Pals at UN school in Gaza.
— Jon Donnison (@JonDonnison) July 28, 2014
Regarding int with @LTCPeterLerner on UN school anyone wondering who Avi is...he's our plugged in Israeli producer …
— Jon Donnison (@JonDonnison) July 28, 2014
@JonDonnison Remarkable interview with @LTCPeterLerner. Analysis of that, and the school attack, at
— Rex Brynen (@RexBrynen) July 28, 2014
There is a clear policy by both Hamas and IDF of disputing events before facts are known. It muddies water and makes truth harder to stick.
— Jon Donnison (@JonDonnison) July 28, 2014
“@TheProtestBoard: @JonDonnison After the kill, they get the 'first' punch in.”
— Jon Donnison (@JonDonnison) July 28, 2014