Rod Liddle hits the nail squarely on the head in his latest Spectator blog-post:
A fairly typically partisan report on the Israel and Palestine crisis last night on the BBC ten O Clock News. The focus was entirely on the killed or injured Palestinians, referred to exclusively as ‘civilians’; the point was made, at the top of the report, that Hamas had killed nobody. Yes, but only because Hamas is utterly useless: it clearly WANTS to kill lots of people, which is why, on a daily basis, it bungs over the rockets – indiscriminately – in an attempt to do so. The rockets which precipitated this crisis. We are enjoined to have sympathy for the Palestinians and treat the Israelis with odium because the former are murderous and incompetent and the latter murderous and adept. It is an infantile sensibility.
That "partisan report" on last night's BBC Ten O'Clock News was by Jeremy Bowen. It was another report that mixed copious heart-rending with blood-splattered footage but forgot all about background and context, all delivered in a tone of finger-wagging, finger-pointing moral disapproval of Israel.