Saturday 2 March 2019

Open Thread

"like a human being, only with an extra quality - silence"    (and £150m)


  1. This breakaway group of MPs represents a microcosm of parliament itself. There are divisions within both major parties over Brexit, and various matters besides, which have been brought to the new group - even in its infancy. The Eleven do not offer to the electorate any more clarity or direction than before, but their self-serving self-importance reinforces the popular belief that MPs look after their own interests - ahead of the those of the country. I have said before that Labour MPs, who might face re-selection issues under the current leadership, will opt for stalemate in order to maintain their present comfortable Westminster life, and postpone the time when they will most-likely lose their seats to Corbyn/Momentum nominees.

  2. The Moral Maze tonight about the end of the caliphate and what to do about the likes of Begum.
    From the lengthy programme introductory notes, this stuck out:
    'It could be argued that the whole of Western society must take some of the blame for the demons that have been unleashed by what many believe are mistaken foreign policy interventions and the marginalisation of minorities.'

    Really, BBC? I thought we 'celebrated' minorities - constantly. And they enjoy all the usual - education, health services, social security benefits, police services, protection of law, freedom to live, work, associate, run businesses,run for need to go on.

    1. The demons were unleashed when we started importing this alien culture.
      What exactly is the plan? Did our politicians think that the 1400 year war of Islam v Mankind would stop when they arrived on these shores?

    2. Yes, they think that everyone will embrace our culture and values and we will a big multicultural, progressive and happy society.

      They are sooo naive.

      You can’t put the genie back in the bottle, that’s the problem. And the ruling elite don’t want to in any case.

  3. Sign of the times - I thought I was watching one of the polticised pro-globalist ads on TV before I realised it was a Lib Dem party political broadcast.

  4. Choupette, shoo, pet. Is that like calling your cat 'Trex' - 'cooking fat'?


    1. Ignore the vote of the British people and Remain in the EU.

    2. Abolish our borders. Allow in all undocumented migrants.

    3. Political correctness in all areas of society.

    Er - that's it.

    1. TIGGERS Motto

      Suck it up, voters.


      Sound exactly like the Lib Dems...but don't join them, just piss them off big time. Bound to succeed.

  6. Due to change of time zone I have been listening to R4 News at midnight this week. It seems to be a concentrate of the accumulated bias of the day.

    Last night I heard that because the 3 defecting Tory MPs were all female this could be the beginning of a more inclusive politics. Hard to think of greater tosh.

    Then a 3 person vox pop from Broxtowe wherein the 3rd person was given the lengthiest clip to rant the usual anti-Brexit nonsense about how the people didn't know what they were voting for in the EU referendum, etc..

    1. That 3 person vox pop was also on main BBC One news last night. Not balanced, deliberately biased.

      It is the last voice that people always remember which is why the BBC always end with the one that matches the message they want to convey.

    2. Meanwhile Soubry is allowed to get away with the her tosh fest suggesting May has a problem about immigration...well yes she does - she loves mass immigration, totall disregarding its negative consequences. During her period as Home Secretary and Prime Minister we have seen about 2.5 million net migration, and probably something like 4.5 million new migrants to the UK! - probably something like 7% of the total population in just 10 years!! That's just on the legal migration figures of course.

      That tells you everything you need to know about Soubry - she doesn't think 7% in 10 years is enough!

    3. Soubry in full flow against one of her constituents...

  7. Gotcha! Well done, Guido!! Woolaston and Allen caught out on the hustings telling their constituents they accepted the EU Referendum result, that the democratic vote should be respected and that they didn't support a second referendum.

    Will the BBC go after them for gross inconsistency in the same way they've gone after Boris for his two versions of a newspaper article - pro Leave and pro Remain, which it can be argued was his honest attempt to sort out his thinking? Of course not.

  8. Just a note on BBC's reporting, or rather non-reporting of events in the USA. We know the BBC are completely obsessed with Trump, alleged Trump-Russia collusion, FBI investigations into Trump and attempts to remove Trump...

    So why aren't the BBC all over the latest revelations from Andrew McCabe - ex FBI senior official - regarding attempts to use the 25th Amendment (in what amounted to a coup) to remove Trump from the Presidency, after Comey's firing?

    There seems to be nothing on the website US-Canada page!

    Amazing. There are reasons why non-reporting is the number one bias technique in the Festive Fifty!

    McCabe's confession or John Sweeney's outrageous statements caught on camera - the BBC decides not to report the truth.

  9. Sopel doing a mock mea culpa...except it's a wea culpa - but who are the "we"? Lefty liberal journos I surmise...because no fair minded person or any pro-Trump person would have leapt to judgement on Covington or Jussie...

  10. Mock is the right word. Hardly an apology at all, he is doing his best to write as if an innocent bystander. In reality he is one of the BBCs biggest sh1t stirrers.

    1. On Radio 4's "The Evan Davis Show" (aka PM) Evan Davis did his best not to draw any correct conclusions from this very modern tale of deceitful bogus victimhood and anti-democratic shutting down of free speech. Somehow, it was all the responsibility of Trump's divisive politics.

  11. So it seems in Chicago some Black actor from something I'd heard of has paid people to give him a hiding, then pretended that it was a racist attack by Trump supporters and been caught out. Strange it's not getting more prominent coverage on the BBC....

    1. This was how Fake News BBC reported the alleged offence initially: "Empire actor Jussie Smollett's performed for the first time since his attack telling fans he'll always stand for love."

      This clearly accepts as real that there was an attack, though we now know this was, according to the authorities, fake.

      The BBC touted the attack as real even though later in the same article: "While Jussie's had a huge amount of support, others have questioned his version of what happened."

      So the BBC were being completely partisan at that point, backing Smollett's account as truthful.

      There were other ways they could have reported the story, in a balanced non-commital manner. They chose not to. That's Fake News.

    2. I thought the world's great broadcaster had such high standards that it didn't report things as fact until it had been able to establish that they'd actually happened. The weakly expressed sliver of doubt towards the end of a 'report' doesn't excuse it.

    3. That's how they deceive,
      So you will perceive
      What they want you to believe!

      But sometimes they are caught out and then their reporters like Sopel send out some meaningless confuse-a-cat pseudo apology.

    4. In SE Asia at moment - blissfully BBC-free & keeping abreast of things thanks to ITBBCB?, Guido & Kindle edition of Telegraph - thanks folks!

      Re: Choupette, who looks perplexed, - 'Dyslexic, agnostic cat, trying to decide if there really is a Dog?'

    5. The old ones are the best!

    6. John Sweeney said, leaning across the table and leering at the attractive young woman sat opposite her in the restaurant. Burp!

    7. her = him, I think unless Sweeney had decided to go for the TG sympathy vote.

  12. Anthony Zurcher is becoming less he beginning on the long road of recovery from Trump Derangement Syndrome? Certainly this is a downbeat article. He can't bring himself to declare that Mueller has not found any evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia...but this is what it is saying in effect.

    This article is just rehashing stuff already appearing in the NYT, Washington Post, CNN etc.

    1. Or has he been told off/ warned? Unlikely I suppose given the rampant bias by his colleagues Sopel, Kay and Bryant.

    2. Nope, don't think there's any editorial control over the Anti-Trump Phalanx of Non-Journalists (BBC North America Division). Just damage limitation. Sopel, Bryant, Kay and Zurcher have led us up to the top of the hill (Impeachment of Trump) and now they have to lead us down again. Cos it ain't happening.

    3. They are getting served, deservedly so, daily, as every one of their sacred cows is revealed as utterly mad. But still they cash the cheques and blunder on.

  13. Good vid exposing the left-liberal bias in US media...

    Just like here. :) And she is so right that they come after you if you deviate from the left-liberal line.

  14. Oh dear...Sweeney thinks that he and Tommy share the same background: "a scumbag Irish family"...nice, John.

    Makes you wonder if Sweeney is working out some inner demons in his persecution of Tommy Robinson...

    If it wasn't Tommy making these revelations Sweeney would have been long gone, dead meat by now, his career finished. It may still be, but more quietly I feel.

    Still, those who live by the PC sword of outrage, must die by the PC sword of outrage.

    1. Sweeney is part of what I think they mean by ‘legacy media’. Old, bitter, pompous old men like Simpo, Bowen, etc whose only legacy is how they hastened the BBC’s demise.

    2. As the media are fond of pointing out his 'real' name as being Yaxley, from his English father, I call Mr Sweeney out. FAKE NEWS, BBC! Curb your dotty lying reporter, please.

    3. Looks now like they are throwing him overboard! They've got him to make a humiliating apology for his offensive comments. :)

  15. Tomorrow is a very big test of whether we live in a free society or not. Will the UK MSM honestly report the Tommy Robinson anti-BBC demno in Manchester or not?

    Key tests:

    1. Will they mention it at all.

    2. Will they mention the undercover video of Sweeney and give extentsive quotes from it?

    3. Will they air Tommy's comments?

    I think that's NO, NO, NO which means we live in a fake free society but I hope I am proved wrong.

    1. So stealing that word to use instead of ‘protest march’.

  16. Seems like the UK MSM is finally having to break cover. This from the i:

    "Mr Robinson is trying to turn the tables on BBC Panorama, which has been investigating his activities.

    He has obtained material – filmed covertly by someone the BBC apparently wished to be a source – in which Panorama reporter John Sweeney is shown buying wine, spirits and champagne cocktails as he racks up a £220 lunch bill. In another sequence, Sweeney is heard saying white, working-class male guests on BBC Newsnight are as rare as “cannibals” from the Amazon."

    So the only way they can cover this is by issuing Fake News. Sweeney did NOT say working class guests were "rare" at the BBC, he said that he and a mate went down to have a drink with the white working class guest in the Newsnight Green Room "in the way you would with a cannibal from Amazonia". That suggests a high degree of condescension, detachment and disdain for the working class guest's lifestyle - not concern about the rarity of working class voices at the BBC.

    1. Here it is - a report about TR on BBC

      You have to laugh about the number of times the report mentions that his real name is Yaxley-Lennon. It’s beyond parody.

    2. Completely fake news. Not a single mention of the undercover filming of Sweeney or what he said, or indeed the Panodrama film.

      Also, I've been following it live. Live feeds were working during the (rather tedious it must be said) build up but all started going down when they started airing the film... not a coincidence I think.

  17. John Sweeney leads the BBC charge to take down dangerous Far Right extremist Tommy Robinson.

    So one might imagine Sweeney would look to political moderates for inspiration...surely?

    Nope...Sweeney's great political hero is...chief of staff of the IRA (as he admits), Martin McGuinness.


      The BBC News website story has changed to include:

      ...'Mr Sweeney is heard saying "one of my political heroes is the former head of the IRA Martin McGuinness."

      Mr McGuinness, who, as a prominent Sinn Fein politician, became Northern Ireland's deputy first minister, had acknowledged he was a member of the IRA. He died in 2017.'...

      I'm sure this admission wasn't included in the BBC story when I read it through earlier this afternoon. I guess this will be the archived version. It will have disappeared from the Home page anytime soon. Sweeney is being protected by his friends at the BBC.

    2. Well spotted Arthur - their deceptive ways know no bounds! :) That definitely wasn't in the earlier version. Looks like the update was posted at about 7pm - some four hours after the event.

      How could any moderate person have Martin McGuinness as a political hero? - a man who ordered his gunmen to go into the homes of good men and kill them in front of their wives and children or ordered his henchman to torture innocent people with pliers? Er - uhm - ah...Sweeney that's who.

      By the way the BBC's reporting of the contempt of court proceedings is lamentable - unclear, garbled and prejudicial, especially in the context of the directed hate at Tommy in the rest of the article. Any person otherwise not knowing the facts would conclude from the BBC article that TR was a dangerous extremist who deliberately flouted the law because he is a motivated by Far Right hate. The BBC should be far more careful on how it reports such sensitive matters.

  18. Thoughts on the recent events in Salford:

    1. The build up to the showing of the video was amateurish. Gerard Batten's speech was surprisingly lacklustre. And he didn't sound v. convincing when he urged us to all become TV licence outlaws. That campaign's going nowhere in my view.

    2. TR's video though was absolutely fantastic I much as I could follow from the live feeds. Looking forward to viewing it properly online. Couldn't always hear Sweeney clearly. But it seems like in only a few hours Sweeney managed to insult the working class, the Irish, the Turks (never pick a fight with them), Muslims, and gay men while admitting that the chief of staff of the IRA was his great political hero and that he liked to get drunk on licence fee-funded expenses. For some reason I'm reminded of the video for that old Prodigy song "Smack My B**** Up" where someone unseen is on the rampage through the seediest parts of London.

    3. The lack of interest in the story from the UK MSM. That the BBC have put up an anti-Yaxley Lennon story on their website briefly mentioning the demo and video does not make up for what has been an obvious conspiracy of censorship. Had this been anyone else but Tommy the MSM would have been all over it. It might be that referencing the video is the BBC's way of feeding Sweeney to the fishes. He's done, finito.

    4. The video was a serious expose of the BBC's MO - working with a Far Left, Soros-funded organisation to destroy a political enemy. I predict that this will continue to reverberate into the future.

    5. The failure of the supposedly non-mainstream media to promote TR's video is shameful. Guido pathetic refusal to expose Sweeney is not defensible in my view. Even Breitbart seem a bit cool about it.

  19. Re Arthur's previous post, I think the dodgy-archiving strategy might be continuing...could this be a "stealth edit" or perhaps I missed it previously:

    "Mr Sweeney was also recorded making remarks which Tommy Robinson has described as racist, homophobic and anti-working class.

    In response, a BBC spokeswoman said: "The BBC strongly rejects any suggestion that our journalism is 'faked' or biased.

    Any programme we broadcast will adhere to the BBC's strict editorial guidelines.

    Some of the footage which has been released was recorded without our knowledge during this investigation and John Sweeney made some offensive and inappropriate remarks, for which he apologises. BBC Panorama's investigation will continue."

    Eff me! He didn't apologise when confronted with the remarks, did he? So why is he apologising now? What led to the change of heart? The BBC Fake News department has completely left out the bit where he totally rejected, on camera (knowing he was being filmed), the idea he had been offensive.

    So, I think this is swinging towards my idea above that the BBC are feeding their errant servant to the fishes, Bond-Villain style...

    I think that shows how much this documentary has got under their skin. Also, they are now saying the investigation "continues"...a rough translation of that is "the programme will not now be broadcast but we will redouble our efforts to 'Get Tommy' ".

    The BBC is engaged in an unseemly political vendetta targetting someone whose views reflect (in my estimation) probably something like 8 million people in this country. If they hate Tommy they hate 8 million of their fellow citizens. Well that's exactly what they do do.

  20. Craig and Sue - Be warned...they are coming to get this site...I've said before, it's only a matter of when, not if...

    This is why we all have to stand together even if it means linking arms with people who you don't normally want to get cosy with!

    Remember the Poles, remember Solidarity. That's how you win, through concerted collective action, standing together and just ignoring all the divide-and-rule tactics of the elite.

  21. John Sweeney is retweeting for Britain on his twitter account! Can't think why!... :) Almost like he doesn't want anyone to comment on his account...

    In between the retweets he is trying for some reason to cast himself as an anti-Corbynite (BBC Charter?). Why?, you might wonder...until you realise that Corbyn, like Sweeney, also had warm feelings for the IRA's Chief of Staff, Martin McGuinness.

    So maybe he's trying to put a bit of distance between his liking for McGuinness and his feelings for Corbyn...sounds like the mind of a Leftist at work though!

    1. @MB did you screenshot ?
      cos I cannot see anything

    2. I didn't screenshot. He's completely smothered it in retweets, presumably to stop adverse comments getting posted so it might be a way down now.

  22. Some good comments and update from Brian from London (in Israel) about Panodrama. (Though I don't agree with him about that How They Rule Ya dirge!).

  23. I've just noticed how the BBC's Evan Davis introduces himself on twitter: "This is the guy on Radio4's PM programme, Dragons' Den and the Bottom Line. These are only my views - the BBC has no views."

    The BBC has no views, hah. Fake news! From one of the BBC's own.

    1. That's just Fake News from Evan!

      The BBC has declared its views many times. It believes that anthropogenic global warming is a reality. Maybe, but that is a view. It opposed Apartheid. Correctly in MY view but it's still a view. That's only what it admits to...:) There are a 1001 beliefs it doesn't admit to. In fact as I have often said, the BBC have a view on everything pretty much. Whether it's the EU or dog grooming, the BBC will have a "view". :)

    2. I agree with Evan and others who say the BBC as an entity hasn’t any views. It doesn’t but those who work for the corporation obviously do. People have an opinion on most things and have a moral compass and display political preferences.

      The problem for the BBC is two fold, firstly those who work for it cannot help but reveal their inbuilt bias however hard (or not) they try to be impartial. Much as most other people in all walks of life do.

      Secondly the BBC culture is very left liberal establishment. It has been built up over many years through recruitment, learned behaviours and self selection. That culture will inevitably display itself in what they broadcast and write (and what they choose to omit).

      Those two issues are very hard to change from within or to self regulate. By its very nature the BBC do not want to police their output or change their left leaning culture.

      So unless the government force a change, the situation will not get better.

    3. That's what they would say and that's what he is using as a way to deny any connection between his tweeted views and the BBC, and particularly BBC partiality. I don't agree with it.
      The BBC is not just a place of random private individuals; it has plenty of views that are inherent in the entity that is the BBC and in the role that it is given by government and sees itself as owning - plus the requirements of broadcast regulation; you don't have the thousands of people who work in it spilling numerous different views all over twitter and the broadcast channels, reflecting a wide range of random individuals. Your culture point is the result of the entity having views and as you say, learning, behaviours etc.

    4. Agreed - that’s what I was trying to say with self selection and learned behaviours in that it’s not just random individuals. Those individuals all have been recruited or educated and exposed to a particular BBC doctrine. Those who don’t conform leave or are weeded out, that’s what I mean by an inherently strong BBC culture. I saw it in action into my place of work which had a very distinct culture. Very different from the BBC but cultivated over many years so those in management positions were all from the same mould.

    5. Well this is really a philosophical point. Can organisations be said to exist or is it only the individuals who exist? It was Mrs Thatcher, the well known philosopher, who claimed society didn't exist.

      It's a very complex area - without Tommy Robinson's documentary we would never have known about John Sweeney's capacity for uttering non PC comments that cause deep offence to gays, Greeks/Turks, Muslims, Irish people, and working class people or confirm he hero-worships a late murderous terrorist. He's part of the BBC...but presumably prescribes to the formal "culture" which is really laid down in internal e mails, editorial meetings, HR interviews, personnel training, disciplinary hearings, policy documents and so on. The organisation does in myu opinion have views and can legally enforce them e.g. escorting you off their premises and sacking you if you offend the organisation.

    6. "BBC views" : No the BBC regards them as "universal truths"
      : That Global Warming is caused by CO2 acting as a control knob and as CO2 increases catastrophe is the only outcome
      : That open borders are the only way
      : That the EU club is the only way
      : That Climate Strike children are the ones with wisdom
      : But Jihadi 16 year olds are just young and impressionable, who only believe stuff cos they were groomed, so we shouldn't take such views as serious.
      : That in society members of special victim groups are not just equal , but "more equal than"
      etc. etc.

  24. Anonymous25 February 2019 at 16:04

    Peter Hitchens has entered the labyrinth that is the infamous BBC complaints system, following a programme called Call the Midwife which had a story about a backstreet abortion. BBC agenda at work?

    He shares his tips on using the system and quotes their own guidelines back at them. Not for nothing do I call him Mr Persistence. Whether it will get him anywhere is another matter.

  25. Here's the YT link to the Tommy Robinson video:

    It will be the "homophobic" stuff that's causing real probs for Sweeney. :) The BBC wouldn't be worried that one of their senior reporters hero-worships the late leader of a left-wing terrorist organisation but is still thought fit to "investigate" alleged extremism!

    I loved the Guardian-reader "Executive" Producer at the end...he was complaining Tommy had agreed to give an interview but hadn't done so! lol!! What sane person, having identified the outrageous bias of the investigation, would sit down with his persecutors for an "interview" that would be cut and sliced with incrimination-by-association segments.

    1. That link didn't work for me but I found a video on youtube which I assume is the same.

      I'm still laughing. There are so many layers to enjoy in this brilliant video: the 'Tommy Takedown' turned on its head (incidentally who's Tommy, BBC? Isn't his; shining a light on Sweeney and the mighty BBC; use of their methods against them; exposure of their intrepid star investigator's low conniving, scheming, throwaway arrogance, throwaway spending and breach of the BBC's most sacred ism and obia; double or triple takedown: Sweeney in his cups; the worthy, supposedly earnestly moral BBC and similarly Hope Not Hate; Robinson's devastating ability to nail the nature of Sweeney's sneering: 'because he [Robinson's great grandfather] came from Ireland and was poor', and the quick pounce on the racism of 'Asian' taxi drivers, a way of avoiding saying Muslim taxi drivers; his intense anger at the sneering (and evidently utterly hypocritical) BBC's / establishment's attempt to destroy his life and marriage; Sweeney's dismay at being accused of being establishment, more disturbing to him (legend that he is in his own mind) than showing him to be immoral, vindictive, dishonest, smug, spendthrift, ist and obic; the control and rapid pace of the unfolding revelations; the mischievous humour at the end; a masterclass from Tommy Robinson. Watch out Mr Sweeney. He could be after your job. I think we should call him Takedown Tommy from now on. The BBC couldn't possibly object to that!

    2. Yes - I think it was good...not quite as professional as you might hope in the editing but pretty damn good and the content was brilliant.

  26. Well done Craig - not many people go head to head with Burley Rob and emerge with not a mark on them.

  27. Are we heading for a monumental clash between UK Islam and the PC liberal-left? Echoes of the Honeyford case from long ago perhaps...

    The Government's new rules/laws on relationship/sex education will clearly be resisted strongly by the Muslim community in the UK.

    Meanwhile the BBC was doing to do its best to present it all as purely a matter of parental choice. The coverage I heard seemed to be striving to avoid the I, M and K words.

    I expect there to be a big clash over this at some point.

    I heard Emma Barnett doing a piece on the legislation on Radio 5 Live, talking to a woman who had organised a 100k plus petition. Barnett is of course one of the BBC pre-eminent practitioners of "the new impartiality" ie blatant bias. Her interview technique is sneaky, unpleasant and tendentious, plus it operates at quite a low level of analysis of the "stands to reason, doesn't it?" type with some Channel4 "so you're saying" thrown in.

    1. You know her backstory ?
      That her dad's massage parlours of East European hookers paid for Emma's Education
      Both her mother and father were prosecuted, and her father jailed AFAIK.

    2. Yes, her father did time. I heard her talking about it on the radio. Can't remember exactly but I think it was for some kind of financial fraud or infringement. She talked about it from the point of view of the secret shame of children who've had a parent in prison.

    3. Yes I did...

      That doesn't affect my judgement one way or the other about her not being an unbiased and fair minded presenter.

    4. @MB it does provide some angles
      #1 Is her SJWing a product of her privileged guilt ?
      #2 How come friends of Tommy are tarred as purple skins and unredeemable
      , yet metrolibs commit actual crimes , get jailed and are back on the BBC within a year ?

  28. MB/Craig - Surprised Rob engaged. He tends to steer clear when the outcome is obvious.

  29. The BBC seem to have a spring in their step today following what they call ‘a major change in Theresa May’s Brexit strategy.’

    With a higher tone than normal. Laura Kuenssberg is excitedly giving her personal opinions once again and is positively enjoying Brexiteers squirming to her questioning about a delay.

    1. The ERG have only themselves to blame. Very weak and not forging any links with the people. They've been too Westminster-Bubbly. They should have called some mass protest rallies. Boris has been a let down. Maybe there's just too much stuff in the Whips' safe?

      We are we are - the truth about the EU, about mass immigration, about political correctness and about the new establishment in the UK has not altered.

      The only good thing about this whole process is that people like Gerard Batten who might previously have been dismissed as paranoid fanatists have been proven completely right in their predictions about what would happen and what needed to happen.

      Any second referendum, by the way is going to be a Rigged Rerun with a fixed franchise and a dodgy question. Leavers who think it will be a fair rerun of 2016 are deluded. It won't.

      We will be offered a choice between overturning the 2016 vote or voting for a deal that is the worst bargain ever made since the Native Americans sold Manhattan Islands for a few beads and some cloth.

      We also have yet another lie from May, one more to put on the endless list - she obviously lied when denying Ollie Robbins had spoken accurately in that Brussels Bar. She's a non-stop lie machine.

  30. The BBC and ITV are launching a subscription service BritBox for boxsets of their programmes with free advertising today across all BBC news output.

    So if I watch BBC content that is exclusive to BritBox do I have to pay twice - the licence fee and subscription service?

    I reckon I have already funded this service through my licence fee.

  31. Nine (Asian) Men Who Raped and Abused Two Teenage Girls in a Care Home have been jailed in Bradford Crown Court today but you would not know this if you watched the main BBC Six O'Clock News tonight (27 February).
    This story is presently running fourth on the BBC website ( but did not make the Six O'Clock News. A report on the decline in teaching of modern foreign languages, the launch of new streaming service, Britbox, the ODI Cricket vs the West Indies and a large fire on Saddleworth Moor all made the bulletin but the trial of another Asian grooming gang failed to register with the BBC.
    Where is Tommy Robinson when you need him?

    1. They gave it the asbolute minimum on News at Ten - I'd say about 15 secs max.

  32. Here is another important story from David Davis that hasn't appeared on the BBC News website:

    .... 'Today I asked my successor as Brexit Secretary @SteveBarclay to confirm that, if the EU are not willing to agree a deal by 29 March, we will be leaving without a deal. He confirmed this is the case.' ...

    This seems to indicate that a vote in Parliament on 13th March on a motion to prevent a no-deal outcome will have little or no meaning.

  33. March to Leave - from Sunderland to last!

    1. I guess they'll have to suppress this in the UK MSM as well...We'll see...

    2. Nothing on the BBC News website yet.

    3. First mention of the March for Leave I've heard on BBC - from Andrew surprise there.

  34. Maitlis is now an inveterate grandstanding emoter deploying a huge bias differential in how she treats people with opinions she agrees with as opposed to those with opinions she dislikes. So of course the RTS have given her a big award. This is part of the problem: the worst examples of biased presenting get the highest awards just like the most absurdly PC TV progs get the highest awards.

  35. Do people think there is a ban in place on mentioning the TR Panodrama doc? Most of the lapdogs they have on wouldn't mention it...but they may still be concerned...

    1. ...I meant on Question Time.

  36. MB -If twitter is any guide, la Meritless spends most of her working hours voting for mates in awards so they vote for her, for her then to self-gush about.

  37. Craig, this tweet needs an article all to itself! Biased much?!! I can’t share links very well...

  38. Hughsykes

    “The #UK is part of a union of mutual trust & cooperation that has helped to anchor priceless peace in Europe for 75 years. There is an ignorant & dangerous undercurrent to #Brexit - of xenophobia stoked by people too young (or unimaginative) to know what they are putting at risk.”

    1. Sykes is not a historian. The EU (EEC as then was) was founded in 1957 - 62 years ago. The UK has only been part of it for the last 46 years.

      There were no wars since WW2 in Europe prior to the founding of the EU (EEC). After 1957 there were major wars in Cyprus, Yugoslavia, Georgia and Ukraine. The EU was arguably the instigator of war in the last three cases.

      Has the EU really been more influential in keeping peace Europe than NATO and the USA? I doubt it. But I think the thing that really has kept the peace is that Europe has been democratised. Democracies are reluctant to go to war with each other. That begs the question: is the EU as democracy?

      Would Sykes like to tell us who are the people who are going to start the new war in Europe? The most belligerent at the moment appear to be the Irish whose armed forces have been seizing innocent fishermen and their boats in EU waters.


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