Saturday 21 January 2017

The burning question

Meanwhile, Radio 4's Woman's Hour was dealing with the incoming Trump presidency not by looking at the leading women in the Trump administration or at the remarkable success of Kellyanne Conway in leading the Trump campaign to electoral success, but by asking instead this extremely 'BBC Radio 4 Woman's Hour' question:

Here's a tweet that came in response:

Though opinion polls repeatedly show that the majority of women (by a large margin) say they are "definitely not" feminists and even the Fawcett Society recently finding that only 9% of UK women identify as feminists, Woman's Hour pursues its course, unperturbed - and unconstrained by the BBC. 

Therefore it's not surprising that the feature itself  consisted of Dame Jenni Murray talking to (a) Kirsty Walker who's organised an anti-Trump rally in Liverpool and (b) Sam Smethers, chief Executive of The Fawcett Society, both saying much the same thing. All feminists together, all singing from the same (Dame Ethel Symth?) hymn sheet.

It's impartiality Jane, but not as we know it.


  1. Not a twexpert, but that post does not seem to be on their timeline when I looked. How do you get to see it?

  2. The Woman's Hour feature is right at the start of the programme:

    I see you found one of the WH Twitter tweets. (They've done about three of them about this). Hope you enjoyed the walk!

    1. Tvm. I did. As did the hounds. Seems not all are having a good time though. Which makes me sad.


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