Saturday 21 January 2017

Views his own

One of the most striking things, for those of us who go on Twitter, is the sheer extent to which BBC types have been reflecting their biased reporting of matters Trump-related in their biased tweets.

I can barely remember all of the ones I've seen, but Newsnight editor Ian Katz's inauguration tweets stand out and left very little doubt about where he stands...

His concerns on Twitter were to focus on making points about race and making dark links to the fascist 1930s, eg:

That Sinclair Lewis book, if you're wondering, is a novel about the election of a fascist to the American presidency - something that will have been in Ian Katz's mind when he sent that tweet.

Two of those tweets were directly echoed by Emily Maitlis on that night's Newsnight, with the third tweet's question being put to a race-focused anti-Trump guest. Had Ian suggested it to her? (The Sinclair Lewis one was probably too recherché for Friday night on BBC Two).

1 comment:

  1. So it was Ian Katz who led attempts by a foreign non-American agency to influence the outcome of a US Presidential election? Shouldn't he hand himself over to the CIA for rendition and questioning? [Remember the BBC and Guardian underwent a Damascene conversion in late 2016 and now think the CIA is one of the most honest, trustworthy and respectable organisations on the planet!]


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