Wednesday 21 May 2014

"Stabbed in face by so called Muslim neighbors who are avid Labour supporters, whose teenage kids batter my 6-10yr olds, call my kids and wife kafirs and n****rs"

Whilst reading Guido Fawkes for the last-but-one piece I came across a disturbing post, UKIP candidate stabbed by Labour supporters:
UKIP council candidate Bobby Anwar is claiming he has been stabbed by “avid Labour supporters” in Blackburn. He alleges:
“Stabbed in face by so called Muslim neighbors (sic) who are avid Labour supporters, whose teenage kids batter my 6-10yr olds, call my kids and wife kafirs (infidels) and n****rs (mum is African descent and converted).
All go to MMA cage fighting clubs which the teenagers were using on my son.
Without me using any profanity or threw any punches, the responsible adult/uncle ran back in the house to get a sharp metal weapon and came running from behind me and broke my cheekbone and broken eye socket. Extensive surgery this week needed including permanent metal plating.”
A police inquiry is ongoing but the victim is adamant that his UKIP connections were a motivating factor. If these reports are correct, those who have demonised UKIP share responsibility for this…
Whilst reading the Channel 4 News website for the previous piece, I spotted that Channel 4 were covering this story.

So, as is my way, I checked Google News and found that the story is in fact being widely covered by the UK's mainstream media (ITV, Independent, Mail, etc).

However, conspicuous by its absence so far (and searching the BBC News website confirms the fact) is the BBC.

I try to be fair to the BBC but, given their claims to be the world's best news provider, they really should be reporting this story as, if Mr Anwar's story is correct, every news source in the country should be reporting it, and going to town on it. 

And, if true, there are surely big questions to be answered by the media/political class for their vicious mass smear campaign against UKIP - and questions about extremism in the 'Muslim community' too.

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