I must just comment on a couple of posts from Alan at Biased BBC.
Firstly, one of my most toe-curlingly embarrassing memories of school was being most reluctantly dragooned into a Sixth Form performance of Summer Nights from Grease. Bad idea, bad execution, bad memories.
I had vivid flashbacks of that whilst watching this effort from the team at BBC Breakfast.
I will have nightmares again tonight...as no doubt will Bill Turnbull, for many years to come.
The other post caught a piece of gossip from the Daily Mail's Ephraim Hardcastle:
David Cameron will have been pleased the BBC wheeled on EU enthusiasts Tony Blair, Kenneth Clarke and Michael Heseltine to portray the victory of Ukip as a ‘populist’ aberration.The PM entertained BBC news chief James Harding at Chequers, telling him – according to Broadcasting House talk – that he relied on the corporation to provide an antidote to the Eurosceptic views of some newspapers and voters.Will Cameron also make sure his BBC friends retain, if not improve, their very generous £3.6billion licence fee deal, up for renewal in 2016?
[Mr Blair and Mr Clarke were on Today and Lord Heseltine was on Newsnight.]
I'm glad to see that Alan adds the caveat "if it was found to be true" because no one else seems to be reporting this, and the same doubts crossed my mind.
If true though this could be the most incendiary story to hit the BBC, regarding BBC bias, for many a moon. And it would be at least as incendiary for Mr Cameron.
So, are David Cameron (and the government) and James Harding (and the BBC) in cahoots to do down the Eurosceptic point of view?
Other questions are: Will anyone ever collaborate Ephraim Hardcastle's "Broadcasting House talk"? Will Parliament be investigating this?..and...Is it all a Daily Mail fantasy?
Come on Ephraim, give us fire not smoke! Less tittling please, and more tatting!
If true though this could be the most incendiary story to hit the BBC, regarding BBC bias, for many a moon. And it would be at least as incendiary for Mr Cameron.
So, are David Cameron (and the government) and James Harding (and the BBC) in cahoots to do down the Eurosceptic point of view?
Other questions are: Will anyone ever collaborate Ephraim Hardcastle's "Broadcasting House talk"? Will Parliament be investigating this?..and...Is it all a Daily Mail fantasy?
Come on Ephraim, give us fire not smoke! Less tittling please, and more tatting!