Sunday, 2 September 2018

Does nobody hear the cries of a poor old woman?

Yasmin, being emphatic on yesterday's 'Dateline London'

Just in case you missed it...

Someone with a sense of humour tweeted the following:

A well-known journalist with considerably less of a sense of humour tweeted the following in response, in all seriousness:

As John Player commented, "Schoolboy error. I automatically assumed the twitterati had a sense of humour. I was wrong. What a mistaka to maka..."

Many other commenters on Twitter took to quoting a famous Second World War French cafe owner saying, "You stupid woman!"

(Thankfully no one thought of using another of the great man's catchphrases, "Shut up, you silly old bat!")

Meanwhile on yesterday's Dateline London, the ever-delightful YAB declared most emphatically that Jeremy Corbyn is not an antisemite. Oh, and Frank Field is a nativist who is "using racism". (Yasmin is rarely anything other than emphatic about things.) So now we know.

The other guests this week were a Guardian writer, a Le Monde writer and a reporter from the New York Times