Thursday 13 September 2018

Jeremy Bowen and half the story

Meanwhile here's Mr. BBC Impartiality himself, Jeremy Bowen, doing what he does best on Twitter this morning:

Usually the replies to Israel-bashing tweets of this kind from the BBC's Middle East editor are heavily one-sided: i.e. an approving anti-Israel echo chamber. That's not the case today though - so far. 

The top comment actually echoed my very first thoughts on reading that tweet:
Peter Martin: Off now to check the actual context. 
We shouldn't have to feel that, of course, but the following comments suggest that both Peter and myself might well have good reason:
Nick holt: What's the rationale for destroying the village? Do you know?
Sharkiya East: Same as in the UK when travellers set up illegal encampments. It was built without planning permission on land the residents do not claim to own. The school was built too close to a major highway to be safe. Residents have been offered free plots of land nearby instead. 
Dick The Dastard: You missed “and move them all to a brand new village with proper facilities” at the end of your Tweet. Many of the villagers moved years ago to their better lives. The remainers are political pawns used to beat Israel.

1 comment:

  1. See problem is with the likes of Bowen and the BBC us that they don't like actual news, or rather they dont like listeners and viewers hearing or seeing it.

    So they make it up instead.


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